... These were the 3 rifles we took to Camp Atterbury (up in Indiana) for the .mils 6.5CM rifle shootoff back in late June. They handed all competitors scope rings and scopes, and said they weren't touching our rifles until we proved that all 3 rifles shoot consistently under an moa. It was diabolical on their part. "If you can't make 'em shoot, how do you expect us to." Good stuff. They handed out their brand new Blackhills 6.5CM 140 gr ammo and my 3 rifles rocked it. ML
787 likesgovernorperry Verified 👍🏽👍🏽👀 6 likes
kodiak_precision us 🧡us from The USA by the best there is!!
bhisey07 I called about this gun and was told there were no plans to make it available as an UU kit. Will that change? @laruetactical 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @bhisey07 ... We aren't the best at getting all the plans publicized ... and our great sales guys know better than to prematurely announce. But yeah, I plan on making some to sell. ML 5 likes
  -  kevinmichael_67 @damascus1718 MLOK and a 17" barrel
  -  jollygreen182 @bhisey07 I would just like to see the mlok handguard as an option on the UU large frame kits 1 like
  -  4rbrandt @damascus1718 shorter barrel option and MLOK vs key mod.
  -  laruetactical @lifesupportknives ... They both do the same thing ... let you attach doo-dads to a slot of sorts. ML
  -  laruetactical @damascus1718 ... A 700 yard headshot truck rifle, that fits under the truck's back seat has a place in my truck. ML 4 likes
  -  agw_fl @lifesupportknives 🤦.... you can add rails, you can add rail, so that you doo-dads attaches. I have a MAWL and light on my SUURG and not a problem. You want something that won't fail get a @laruetactical period.
  -  washington_electrical @laruetactical will there be a complete gun for sale like these?
joeythec02 No one should be surprised by this!!!! 2 likes
toofman How did you like Indiana?
  -  laruetactical @toofman ... I like it, neat little rivers running here and there ... with groundhogs. ML 4 likes
nomad_shooter 6.5 CM barrels for the My PredatOBR PLEASE? Haha 3 likes
jfpvh PVH Professional varmint hunter. Groundhogs are my business 😁 my OBR 556 Trijicon scope larue scope mount sure fire suppressor LMT Stock
  -  laruetactical @jfpvh ... I'm gettin' a visual - ML 3 likes
jfpvh us us ☕☕ 1 like
jack_haber Not surprised. Mentioned to you at an armorers course that I shot my Federal duty ammo out of my 5.56 TOBR, grouped sub MOA. Just broke out my old Stealth 18" from around '09, shot sub MOA...with M193. 👍🏻 1 like
jtac_tard Have these people been under a rock? "If you can't make'em shoot "
longshoreman24 What is the barrel length on those @laruetactical ?
  -  adriansmaravilla @alax2424 17"
adriansmaravilla Who else was submitting rifles 👀. And how did they do. I'd love to read about this competition
  -  laruetactical @adriansmaravilla ... Even though I was raised a Tennessee hillbilly, I'm guessing proper decorum is that what happened on the line at Camp Atterbury, stays at Atterbury. As for me, I shot my way into the winner's circle by building and bringing three (3) MRGG-S rifles up to Camp Atterbury, specifically designed to not embarrass the LaRue brand. ML 3 likes
  -  adriansmaravilla @laruetactical 💪🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
elburkho That's located about 3.5hours south of me lol
samiamafireman When will the MLOK forends be available on the 6.5 UU kits? 2 likes
  -  craigreasor_3gun @samiamafireman same, in for the mlok uppers... and first dibs ought to go to current Larue owners.
r_yanjames Any chance of ambidextrous OBR lowers in the future?