... I'm ditching my Apple phone if Apple makes good on their threat to Musk. So my question is which non-Apple phone can I dump everything in my iPhone into, that's also Boomer friendly ? 😎
210 likesandrewmconrad Solid read right there. Just finished it 👊 1 like
billsnearly People still use Apple? 😂
homegrownsurvival Gotta get that Cricket !!! 1 like
alaska_viewfinder Samsung 1 like
lumberjacked_coder Purism Librem 5 1 like
41gunner Samsung Galaxy, never owned any of Apple's crap 4 likes
mrs_gerdes Ditto
stumpwso Just wait, Elon will start making his own phone soon 4 likes
croakvan Another vote for a Galaxy S22, in the size you prefer. Ultra might be overkill, and it's a big boy. 1 like
  -  lsxus__ @croakvan indeed its overkill but 100 zoom on the camera, can use the phone as a desktop computer and still use the phone as a phone/Internet it's the shit!! Love it
  -  croakvan @lsxus__ Me too, but the other two models don't suck, cost less, are smaller, and maybe more, um, boomer friendly. Or less boomer intimidating, anyway. 1 like
c0r3yr0s3100 I won't buy anything other than Samsung 1 like
fdmarshal Google pixel but I'll tell you what, nothing will be as seamless as the iPhone is. Parler was way more unrestricted than twitter and no one bat an eye when they removed that from the App Store.
arconcepts911 Samsung 1 like
crabman1234 Jitterbug 9 likes
tparsons1987 No help, only ever use iPhone, since the OG 2G 1st Gen. Is that a wire haired pointer in the pic?
  -  laruetactical @tparsons1987 ... Negative, that's a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon 1 like
timothyneal58 Ditto #fapple
458lottfan Samsung Galaxy are what I use as a personal phone. Work uses iPhone. I by far prefer the Galaxy phones.
bcottle74 Samsung Galaxy...been using them for almost a decade when I ditched my Apple. 2 likes
kevin.goodman.543 What did Apple threat?
pg_turnage Samsung 1 like
cooper61616 I switched from Apple to Samsung a few years back bc Samsung phones were more attractive and appeared user friendly. Once I realized they sucked I moved back to Apple. Don't make the same mistake I did.
rltw375 Umm with all this shit going crazy. Google is compromised. So is Samsung. Apple is the hardest to get into and best on privacy? But I think they are all against free speech 🤷
ischade48 Samsung S22 ultra (w pen) is my go-to. Have used their Note products for last 8 yrs or so. Pen can be a camera remote clicker which could be helpful for target pics from the firing line. 2 likes
lablover114 Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (just put a cable between the two phones and use "Smart Switch" app.) Wife did it after Apple new phone worked like hell....she now said she will never return to Apple. P.S. she has had Apple since IPhone 4 I think! 1 like
  -  lsxus__ @lablover114 same here phone is legit!
kevin.goodman.543 Pixel 7 pro, works perfectly. That is the pure Android system. No issues.
stevenmcclay6921 I'm right there with you on ditching apple. Standing by for good recommendations.
ocd_ar15 Sony Xperia One, or Pro
t_saville Apple always made me feel like their devices were on loan from steve jobs. I've been able to train my non-tech savvy mother to use a Galaxy S22. It's kinda like going from a Bridgeport to a Haas.
sgtmurf Pixel or Samsung. Both do provide tools that will assist you with the transfer of a lot of you data from the iphone. I've never used the software myself, but I would assume your carrier may be able to assist you with the transfer. Good luck!
redoak.sooner @tavishgregory 😂 must be on the same crack as Hunter.
breedlove.ben @laruetactical not sure if this was supposed to be directed at me or Mr lefty here but even if it does, I'll still buy your triggers 😎 Have an MBT in my SBR and it's the bees knees
laruetactical @breedlove.ben ... Does me making the best after-market AR triggers make me a Ginger Supremist ?
breedlove.ben @tavishgregory "white supremacists" lmao quit drinking the kool aid, lefty
redoak.sooner @tavishgregory 😂 must be on the same crack as Hunter.