... Our LaRue Black Friday MBT Trigger Sale is backed up with plenty of inventory that we meticulously built ahead of time and a well-oiled website ready to flawlessly accept your order. Don't forget to click the free gift wrap button to effortlessly check the Christmas gift box for your warfighter son or daughter. - ML
510 likesbland_jamesbland Oh snap @geissele 😂👍 3 likes
the_judo_variant On my way now.
nachoakachris Good deals! Was hoping the tranquilo breaks were gonna be on sale tho😢 Maybe next year!🔥
skullduggerous_pirate @jlaine9
liketheroom Amazing how that works. @geissele
topshotdustin Verified NICE!
liketheroom Make sure you spot this @fromtheguncounter
jerry.wilson.503 @j116blough that's the trigger I was telling you about & the one I have in my 9mm AR. 👍 1 like
korobob Waiting for your full auto trigger....😎👍
kcmanuel Any barrel sales coming up? 20" 7.62 OBR/PredatOBR barrels in particular 😁
da.vanilla.gorilla I see what you did there with the website comment 🤣
storman_67 One helluva deal!
tsuhobbs @sideout1012
mattamp_ut @hbhsquid
steveyh__ Oof
scottyguns5437 Should be getting mine this week!!!
g_walker9 The MBT is straight fire. Honestly don't see a reason to buy any other trigger. $87 for a bomb ass trigger in 4 flavors
nods_chonk @geissele savage
modest_omega Just ordered my second trigger today 🤘🏻 and yes your website was automatic 😀 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @glockisgood ... Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and I bet ityiur 2nd MBT ships Monday. UPS wanted to drive off at precisely 4:00 pm today. ML
  -  laruetactical @laruetactical ... ^^^ I bet your 2nd MBT
  -  modest_omega @laruetactical placed order today, already got a tracking number 🤘🏻🔥 Thank you guys for a rad trigger and fully functioning website 😂 😂
max.and.bonds.malinois My brother just ordered mine for my bday yesterday!!! 💪💪💪
gunmaniausa Just ordered the MBT 2S. That's a great deal. Probably should have ordered 3
  -  laruetactical @gunmaniausa ... Call in and tell 'em to add 2 more - ML 2 likes
  -  gunmaniausa @laruetactical 😁us