... This is a personal thank you to y'all that bought the 10,000 MBT triggers sold since we lit off our Black Friday Rocket. Factoid - going forward, looks like we'll be making 100,000 MBTs per year. In the next 10 years we'll make 1 million MBTs. But there might be 50 million ARs by then. That means that only 1 AR in 50 will have a LaRue MBT. Enjoy y'all's very select club 😎 ML
1,831 likestopshotdustin Verified 😮! 1 like
moetown1986 Just got my 3 yesterday 🙌 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @moetown1986 ... Any straight bow ?
  -  moetown1986 @laruetactical went all curved! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @moetown1986 ... I like the curved ... and don't understand the wish for straight ... but ya can't beat city hall. 😎 2 likes
  -  moetown1986 @laruetactical I hear ya! 1 like
  -  mike_czyk @laruetactical I just ordered four more straight bow. Had a few new builds laying around... Have four in rifles already and love them. 2 likes
  -  charliesclones @laruetactical I prefer straight on an AR. I like your design, but the open slot in the bow attracts dirt.
  -  laruetactical @charliesclones ... Don't dare look in the magwell 😎 7 likes
i_am_the_fos Every AR platform I own has one. I'll leave the AFT guessing how many that is, but it's more than 1 and less than 50 5 likes
monsoon_zactical I remember ordering something from you a looong time ago and getting a bottle opener, dillo dust, and machine gunners lube in the package. No idea where any of those things went 😢 3 likes
mskategordon Fun fact @laruetactical . I found my 2016 teal dillo a couple days ago. It now has a place of honor in the utensil drawer 💙 3 likes
ninety1_and_nine 2 out of the 4 I have run a MBT. Only reason it ain't all 4 is cause there is not a large pin version for 1 and the other is a duty rifle and I can't swap out😂 4 likes
alpha_phil15 Received and installed mine today. It's like my 12th MBT, but it still feels like the first time...every time. 😉 1 like
whiskee_charlie Any chance we see the single stage again? 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @whiskee_charlie ... Yes, but not any time soon. 10 likes
regolith247 I love the MBT in mine. I'm a rookie shooter but that trigger makes me feel like I can hit anything 1 like
tylero28 Well there is at least 10 Of them in my home 😂so I'll take the 10 out of 500 1 like
fde_rob I have 5 custom builds I did for myself over the last 8 years. 3 of the 5 run MBT triggers, definitely one of my favorite triggers..🙌 1 like
sluicegoose I haven't got a dillo since the 2011 shot show. I need to step up my game 1 like
bklingensmith61 Thank you sir for a great trigger! My first purchase and it won't be my last. 2 likes
blue_cat_797 I'm 12 for 12 and just got 5 more in... really love the dillos 1 like
atxrussell Just ordered! Love that Austin shipping! 1 like
booozyhoperators Do you have flattys in stock?
  -  laruetactical @booozyhoperators ... Not at the moment, but that's all we're running right now, so expect the wait to be short and sweet. 😎 1 like
  -  booozyhoperators @laruetactical thank god. I was about ready to give up!
  -  booozyhoperators @laruetactical it actually looks like I can add these to the cart. Should i?
  -  laruetactical @booozyhoperators ... We're shipping straight bows daily against 2 week old backorders 1 like
  -  booozyhoperators @laruetactical thank you!
jc_1326 Cant wait to take mine for test drive this week! Thank you @Laruetactical 2 likes
mike_czyk Any idea on wait time for the straight bows? Looking forward to receiving my 4 more.
paulnielsen12 Is the buy 3 @ 79 deal only if you get 3 of the same? Trying to do 2 flat 1 curved but price isn't adjusting in cart? 1 like
  -  meatsweatsmike @paulnielsen12 No, I emailed CS and they said the price would be adjusted before billing.
joseph5myers Best AR trigger ever at any price! At the price you sell them at they are beyond amazing! 2 likes
  -  extremelongranger I mean, I have at least 6 of these, but that's a stretch....
cusanochris My three came in yesterday- plan to install one tonight in my DDM4. 1 like
r_kelley_1 I've owned a JP,Timney, CMC,Wilson TTU and Geissele SSA but now I have MBT's in all of my AR's. 2 likes
  -  texan.right @r_kelley_1 agreed and I have a couple in queue for my next builds. The accuracy package is a beast if you're going 223 2 likes
  -  r_kelley_1 @texan.right My building days are over but I still keep an extra on hand. 1 like
  -  texan.right @r_kelley_1 it's hard for me not to build... I just love the feeling of a successful build and a solid shot. Mark gets to produce them faster than I do I'm sure @laruetactical is on a constant high while frying his bacon flat and shooting tight
458lottfan Every AR I have has a MBT-2S in it. A couple of curved triggers, the rest are straight. Hands down the best trigger on the market, and very fairly priced. 1 like
jessiecherry33 Only trigger I will use going forward. Got a few of them and won't even consider another brand now. Keep up the fantastic work. The straight bow is almost mythical in its performance u s u s u s 2 likes
pk_gunsmithing Every year I build 10 custome AR 1 like
  -  pk_gunsmithing @pk_gunsmithing Every year I build 10 custom AR's for customers. Each includes an MBT. Wouldn't use anything else. 1 like
taylorsoapworks How do I get one? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @taylorsoapworks ... Airdrop 1 like
cccosby Any chance on the full auto version of the trigger being added to the website?
z_butler I'm correcting my errors and will have 3 to start with. I'll be recommending them to anyone and everyone I know. 1 like
meatsweatsmike I have 2 curved and 2 straight coming, looking forward to trying them out! 1 like
fullthrottlecpa I just use them as fidget spinners
josh_goes_pewpew I have 4 of them and love them. Id like it if you sold a 2lb single stage trigger for competition 1 like
  -  nimmytickle @josh_goes_pewpew me too. Like a 1.5 first 2lb second stage
bookerbass Every single AR I own has a MBT2. It's nice having a little piece of my homeland in every rifle.
c_wayne_n Got ''em in three of my rifles 2 likes
the_silverfox83 Bought 2 Straight Bows. Not to mention my LaRue 6.5 Grendel 🔥🔥🔥 1 like
wildland_outdoors I have a MBT2S in my spr and one ordered for my new m110 build. 1 like
2brewwithaview2 How many did you make last year??
  -  laruetactical @2brewwithaview2 .. A metric sh*t-ton 😎 4 likes
icecoldmn I have one of the first, and just got 3 more, I don't think you can have too many of these. Awesome upgrade to any AR 1 like
sp0kanistani Big MBT Fan ... quite a few more in house than owners edition hats .. keep rocking Mark. 1 like
valleytacdef well I'm up to 14 of them almost every AR 1 like
menofstrengthusa Absolutely love mine 🙌 2 likes
oca.usa Hope I get one in my order once back order is fulfilled.🧡 1 like
kmeff811 I've got 4 out of 5 with and MBT so the other owners need to catch up 😉😄 1 like
thatguy_3383 Got one coming and several already installed. 1 like
connelldad The best part is the mini dillo below the trigger in the can 1 like
d.w.jones Got 4 of them:) 1 like
atticus.lamoreaux I'm in! Just ordered 2!
jason_m_burns Best trigger on the market!!! 2 likes
frisco_rps13 1in50, but 7 of my 9 so far 💪 Love these damn things. 1 like
tsuhobbs Loved mine since the first week they were invented. Someday I'll try a straight bow. 1 like
pistlp70 Not if we all fight the ATF and the rest of the anti gunners in government! You know the ones who claim to know and defend the Constitution and "our democracy ", but apparently have never read or understand our form of government!
captain_weenis *Merry Christmas 1 like
noahserp Picked the larue over the other triggers. Keep up the good work 1 like
bigrobeg Every AR based rifle I own has a LaRue trigger so I guess there are a bunch of poor bastards around that don't have them because I hoarded them 😂 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @bigrobeg ... 😂
dukeofcurl Love these triggers! 1 like
chesterfieldhideout I enjoy being in the MBT club!!👏👏👏🔥🔥🔥 1 like
chazoahu Mark / these are way cool in red 1 like
chadd_arnold Nice Logic 👍 1 like
kryptonitebbq I got mine, the best! 1 like
jcmerz I own 5💪 1 like
texaswitt_ranchesforsale 👏 1 like
rbrooks9541 👍 1 like