... I hesitate to show some stages of machining. Like here, our 1-piece Siete bolt somewhere in the middle of it's machining process. Looks kinda nasty, but there's more here than meets the eye. Siete Update - My "first deliveries by November 1" has proved to be just a wee bit too ambitious 😎 We're getting there though, and I guarantee you're gonna enjoy being one of the first to own one 🎯 ML
437 likesdestrographic 🙌🙌🙌🙌 1 like
charliesclones I have the signed framed diagram. That helps get through the day. That and my pre-production price 😍. I love seeing the work behind the scenes. Machining fascinates me. Only thing more magic is 3-D additive manufacturing, which is still making my head dizzy 1 like
  -  extremelongranger @charliesclones Again? Really? 1 like
adventuresofgd Set ambitions goals, the people who support you are along for the journey everyone else can find other options 1 like
gsprague The people who want it will be patient! 1 like
patrick.a.johnson314 Thanks for letting a us know. I still need to save up for glass for mine. 1 like
threepereaper68 Unlike some others that weld their bolt handles 🤔
  -  laruetactical @threepereaper68 ... I wanted the dimensions to be exact on every bolt 🤷 2 likes
  -  threepereaper68 @laruetactical that's the way we like it
blown266x 🙌
bigaggiemike You can't rush perfection!
icecoldmn I would have ordered mine in 338 federal and 260 Remington given the chance. Maybe mark will have a Early Adopter barrel sale once these start rolling out and he gets caught up. Even some shorter barrels as we don't all hunt out west. I'd prefer a shorter barrel to run a suppressor on or I'll just have to keep hunting with my Tobr
tcfawley 8.6BO would be cool to play with
csolstice032018 I am absolutely positive it is worth the wait.
mcfaddep 300 win mag and 30.06 down the road? I remember the release said long actions down the road. Need a heavy hitter for some moose. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mcfaddep ... Moose was dropped with a 17" Siete in 338Fed this fall. 8 likes
  -  extremelongranger @laruetactical Um, 338Fed was not on the list of available calibers. 2 likes
  -  mcfaddep @extremelongranger yup. Didnt see that one on the site. Bro in law of mine says you can drop moose with a 308, but he carries a 300 win mag as a backup. Told me either works.
  -  stumpwso @laruetactical 338 Federal is the most underrated cartridge
  -  jordan_kepner83 @extremelongranger I asked about that too. He said it was a lack of ammo availability right now that led him to not offer the 338F. Hope that changes.
  -  458lottfan @laruetactical When that 17" .338Fed barrel comes available. I will absolutely be ordering one.
_madamer_ Mark how bout a little late Black Friday help on one of those bad boys. It would pair well with my 7.62 OBR that I managed to score about ten years ago… and might help lesson the fight with the wife when she says "don't u already have a bolt gun? Does that one even shoot a different bullet size? 😂
ewdeters Seemed ambitious given the speed to ramp up any production. It gave me time to get the optic I want on it and take some flat top measurements to get that 55mm objective as close to the rail as a Larue mount will get it.