... Rapid Development Team is, uh, rapid ;-) ML
306 likestrapshootb Well, I Think Watching 👀 this Rifle . Come to Life ! Has been simply AMAZING!!!!!! ML .... SIR.... Truly have , enjoyed this experience. Not many people, Would Dare DO WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. So Thank You very Much ! I Have Truly Enjoyed this.... Look forward to the next chapter 👍👍 up 1 like
  -  laruetactical @trapshootb ... Meh, I fearlessly lifted our skirt up indiscriminately. It is my belief that knock-off artists would have to have my team actually make the stuff or else it ends up looking like the knockoff artists themselves did it. ML 9 likes
gunhack_actual Awesome .. what fun.. thank you for sharing .. !! 👍😸
debozer Don't know why but for a minute I thought your were making badass cigar ashtrays! 🙅