... As of 5pm today, 244 of the complete 5.56 lowers have been shipped to their FFL ... and yeah, one guy did limit out, he bought 5 lowers - ML
1,747 likesrbrooks954 👍
keldeweese Are the bare lowers shipping out this quickly too or just the complete lowers?
  -  mergatroyd @keldeweese stripped lowers ship pretty quick. I got one in september and it was at ffl in about two weeks. Most guys report 2-3 weeks for lowers it seems. 1 like
  -  keldeweese @mergatroyd good to know. Thanks!
  -  zengland @keldeweese I ordered a stripped 5.56 lower from them about 1.5 weeks ago and got it in 4 days. SUPER fast shipping. 1 like
  -  pushing_iron_indy @keldeweese had mine in hand from FFL in less than a week from ordering. 1 like
zengland @laruetactical how's your supply of .308 lowers looking? Readily available as the 5.56 lowers right now?
bigbabe310 I get what you're saying bro
krisinpudding I just want a lower.
dterrito Any idea how much longer triggers will be back ordered? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @dterrito ... We are in a "can't catch up" situation 7 likes
jgrues Any break in recommendations for a PredatOBR? I sent a mag through it already then cleaned. Want to take good care of it.
  -  laruetactical @jgrues ... No break-in recommended ... but as you put normal rounds through it, shooting groups, etc., it rounds off the throat and naturally tightens up a little. 4 likes
lawnking58 When an order is in the GTG status on the website how long does it normally take to assemble and ship ? I ordered the beginning of July.
joeythec02 Can u get a flat trigger in these complete lower?
simpsondianek2722 Hmmmmm I see some engraving space 😁 1 like
  -  laruetactical @simpsondianek2722 ... Got a sharp chisel handy ? 1 like
  -  simpsondianek2722 @laruetactical 😁😁
icecoldmn Mark how about releasing the 12" obr uppers so we can all build some pistols before they attempt to ban them?
michaelsmith9405 @laruetactical I have one ordered. Are these registered as rifles already or can they be made into a pistol?
smithquiles Yesterday I picked up my two lowers from my FFL here in Wisconsin. I'm amazed at how quick that all went. See I ordered these two on Monday the 23rd while I was at work. Not even a week later and yesterday I mated them with two Daniel Defense uppers. Holy crap I thought. You'd think the two uppers and lowers came out of the same factory. Spot on! These lowers are amazing. The feel of the action. The sound of the bolt carrier being drawn into the buffer. This is some high tolerance equipment. Anyway. I'm very pleased. I hope complete lowers become a permanent part of things available to buy.
nguyentjh Just got mine today!
leigh42513 Got my complete lower in next day after my FFL info cleared. Never thought I would have some Larue coolness like this!
cudtown1 Badass!
mm9392266 I want one lower reciver
smithquiles I now have six of these. No buyer's remorse here. Money very well spent. Love them.
halofrontier Would you guys make ambi lowers someday?
sdozer03 Received mine today. 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @sdozer03 ... You must be in Texas ? 10 likes
  -  sdozer03 @laruetactical Yes, Sir. Was at the FFL yesterday but couldn't pick it up until today. Patiently waiting for the 7.62 complete lowers to come out......⌚ 6 likes
  -  the_og_brad @sdozer03 me too! 1 like
merpaholic I'd buy 5, too... if I didn't just get a Shadow 2... 1 like
  -  jrbjr73 @auzball Its just money bro ? 🧡 1 like
  -  merpaholic @jrbjr73 but I have no money, only Shadow 2.... And a dozen other guns... And tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.... 1 like
icecoldmn Good to see the 2020 gun rush is running strong
whisk3yshoots Hey Larue check mine out on my page, greetings from the golden state 🤙 1 like
willkana If I order a couple how long is the lead time? 2 likes
rrandall40 Ordered mine today
jordys.world Hey Mark, any Stealth uppers about to go out? going on 7 mo for mine. Thanks man! 4 likes
  -  brett__2021 @jordys.world holy shit! 😆 1 like
  -  jordys.world @jordys.world was a serious question... 1 like
  -  pewpewpew408 @jordys.world haha me too. Been waiting 6 months on one of mine
  -  jordys.world @pewpewpew408 that actually makes me feel better
5thirty1 Ordered mine this morning. Can't wait to get the shipping notification.
instructorbrian Wondering if the cans for the SUURG UU kits will be sent soon. That's the race I hope to win but it's looking bleak.
omaruiw God Bless Texas
byrdprecision Congrats on the hot sales Mark!
jason_bright2 🔥🔥🔥🔥
bornfree_74 Any AR-10 receiver sets available? In OD Green?
elcucarachosmokers I need to stop procrastinating and get in line. 2 likes
605.judo Wish I could find one....
nickdorgan can't wait to see your bolt action line ...