... Ladies and Gentlemen, the bolt cutters* for releasing the Kracken has been officially delivered today. Y'all elbowed your way in and slapped your money down (*Y'alls $100,000 bucks) Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving. ML (P.S. I tossed 10 of the Sidney dillos into the box with the check :-)
497 likeswills_9093 How do I get one of these?!
  -  laruetactical @wills_9093 ... Get outta town !! 8 likes
  -  interpinto @wills_9093 Better late than.....yup too late. 1 like
  -  thecodystone @wills_9093 I'll sell you mine for one hundred billion dollars. 1 like
  -  wills_9093 @laruetactical wow way to be a bunch of assholes. Asked a simple question and got dickhead responses. A simple you can no longer get them would've sufficed.
  -  laruetactical @wills_9093 ... Where's the fun in simple sufficient answers ? 🤷
  -  wills_9093 @laruetactical the fun would be gaining another customer for all your other products. But it's cool. I'll just go somewhere else. Thanks anyway. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @wills_9093 ... See ya, enjoy your future 3" groups. "Hardy har har ! I can hit a man's fist across a dinner table !!" 2 likes
  -  wills_9093 @laruetactical truly sad that you think that way. I guess the other idiotic responses make sense now. They were just following the leader. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @wills_9093 ... You think guys that stand behind a 416 Rigby and shoot it for fun are all perfect gentlemen ... uh, we're not. Learn to make rifles and hit me where it hurts. That'll shut me up. 3 likes
josh.macintyre Happy Thanksgiving! 👏
rcsnyder6.0 Hell yeah🤘us
d_m_g_3 I wasn't able to get one but shared the post for the cause 👏us
treylillich You are a good man! 1 like
1rblank In before the I didnt get nolo yet dorks 1 like
  -  laruetactical @1rblank ... You slid in under the wire 😂
kevinmichael_67 Happy to contribute. 1 like
casey_aronson Make more, she deserves to be in every patriot's pocket 1 like
sloskii Still waiting patiently.
  -  laruetactical @sloskii ... ???
  -  sloskii @laruetactical awaiting patiently for the order to be shipped.
  -  jordandudley35 @sloskii did you get your order yet?
  -  sloskii @jordandudley35 don't know. I'm currently out on the road and won't be back for another. When I did call, I was on the list and just have to wait. Which is fine. Hopefully I'll be home for Christmas.
jeff.slye I would gladly do it again. Thanks for making this possible! 1 like
jaredmillus @laruetactical when do these ship out? I'm really wanting to use it to crack a cold one to celebrate General Flynn's pardon. us us 3 likes
scott.vogel.902 👍👍
sugarwatermayosandwich Mine is still showing "backordered" 1 like
  -  laruetactical @sugarwatermayosandwich ... Your contribution was dropped into Sidney's armory yesterday. So, you got what you paid for. As further the red Sidney dillo, it's your receipt that I make and ship to you for free. But I'm sure I said that somewhere.
  -  sugarwatermayosandwich @laruetactical Copy! It'll get here when it gets here. Thanks ML 1 like
  -  jordandudley35 @laruetactical glad to see her gritting you idiots out of money that she'll need to defend herself in court vs. dominion for liable and slander.
armcore762 I bought it too. But it's back order. When will you deliver for me?
  -  laruetactical @armcore762 ... Deliver what ?
trapshootb HAPPY THANKSGIVING MR LaRue 👍 and Thank You us For Doing This 😊 $50.00 is not enough to cover your cost for Doing this so Thank You Again Sir
kgrand1022 When she gonna release this kracken?
  -  laruetactical @kgrand1022 ... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/breaking-kraken-released-attorney-sidney-powell-files-104-page-bombshell-complain-massive-fraud-georgia-election/ 1 like
todd.ritz Thank you for coordinating a way for us to help! Please do another run, and/or special lowers for an extra C note or two... I'd love to see another 100K headed their way!
jordandudley35 What happened to the "Kraken"? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jordandudley35 ... Dunno, I was hoping it meant gallows were being built, but it turns out it's ain't easy drilling post holes in the swamp. 1 like
jordandudley35 Didn't you give them a bunch of money for it? I figured you'd have a better answer than "dunno" 1 like
almodovr Trump lost the election. Trump lost in court and tried to capture Capitol by force. Is this Republic? Oh! And then made his storming followers guilty by the way 😂