... Pray for me men ... a brick of 69g FGMM came in and now I got a dozen rifles to shoot and no assistant 😎
646 likesguay.ron If I wasn't so dang far away, I'd come hang out with you
metallicasma Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for Mark ♰🙏🏻VA
wenzel747 I am available to help 1 like
brooksdorsey I have a resume if that position needs filling
ryanemorris99 Have ATACR, will travel.
doallyado2 Oh the horror 🤣 😢 🧡 2 likes
john_rcflex Rough life🙄
fillmmore Drop a pin! 📍
stumpwso I can be there in 3+15
bklingensmith61 Oh whoa is you! Such a burden! 😂😂
perez2021juan 🙏🙏🤠😆😎
krevo81 That fgmm shoots lights out in my stealth upper, man.