... Trick shootin'. I aimed at the middle one shot, then went for all four (4) corners, one shot at each corner. 16" Tranquilo equipped 5.56 tOBR, FGMM 77 gr., 100 yards. Those are 1/2" squares. The last 3 corners would be a nice ragged hole. ML
479 likesbowtechman1az Yes, of course you did. Haha, just messing with you. At 200 yards, that's not bad
  -  tehlonz @bowtechman1az hundo
organic_panic8541 You still got it bro
barnegat16 What's the real turn on a complete rifle. I love your barrel, but it might be time for the complete system.
davispinner I mainly focus on pistol so I'm not to knowledgeable in this area. What power scope do you use? Are you able to see the middle square or do you kind of guess where it is off the larger pattern because its to small to see? Thanks!
  -  laruetactical @davispinner ... I'm able to see mites crawling across a gnat's ass. 4 likes
meatsweatsmike I would say that you have still got it
foxtrot_uniform_charlie_kiloo 👍
trained_observer85 Open sights ?
getmemarlowe My rifle wont fire because it's missing a trigger. Maybe I'll have it by New Years 🤞🏻
esqphoto Largest group ever seen from @laruetactical was done on purpose. 🤡