There's an exceptional mount hid in each of those billets. The trick is getting them out without hurting them ;-) ML
402 likesthiswildadventure That's amazing. A thing of beauty.
d_m_g_3 Wasn't there a sale on the C.A.N mount?
  -  j_a_g_05 @d_m_g_3 through Christmas. $140. 1 like
shark13371773 alchemy
erickwonrad LaRue is the ONLY mounting solutions I use...PERIOD!!!
turk957 Got a couple of those. The only one I will ever use.
deuce77554 I've run a LaRue M2/CCO Cantilever Mount on my Patrol Rifle for about 10yrs. It's never lost zero, even with getting bumped around in the trunk of a patrol car (for an understaffed Department that ran 100,000 calls a year- and several accidents), and with being taken off the rifle for regular cleaning. So, when I bought a new rifle and Trijicon glass... they got paired with a LaRue mount.