The thing is, I went to machining school in '78 and started my shop in 1980 ... this is my 40th year of machining ... my 38th year in my own shop. I live and breathe this stuff. Modern Machine Shop is my idea of great porn. I use my OCD to your advantage, so enjoy and buy with confidence. Oh, and those are MBT disconnecters - ML
678 likeshostile_eliminated Your stuff is some of the best quality and I own 3 hand guards and 2 scope mounts and wouldn't trade them for anything else.
millerforged Installed one of your triggers yesterday and used it for the first time and I love it. Great quality great price. 2 likes
djrndibs I've got a stealth barrel and a mbt (my 5th) in my cart know, just waiting to see what deals pop up on Monday!
duckhnt I started spending more money than I should at LT in 2007. Every year it continues. I'm glad I didn't know you in 1980 - I'd be out of money by now. 1 like
dean.ives I don't have a single thing of yours, but it sure looks pretty! ONE DAY
roll84chi Flat triggers?!? 🤔
  -  vertiz.jd @chrisrollins84 coming out in 2 weeks! 1 like
ohutch207 Is the opening in the pin hole there so you do not have to drill a starter hole to feed edm wire through? I assume you grind heat treated plate then wire the entire profile?
jack_haber First, Happy Thanksgiving, Mark. Second, saw your OCD at work when I took the Armorer's Course in Leander and Rob still had to whack out an OBR barrel even though it's been used for hundreds of disassembly demonstrations. Third, it's definitely an advantage: sub MOA groups with duty ammo. 👍🏻🦃 1 like
keybar Love it man!! I'm 3 years into making EVERYTHING in the shop and it really is an addiction! 1 like
turk957 I got my Christmas gift today. Thank you so much. LaRue is always my first go to. Everything I own from LaRue is the best of the best.
46wlf46 EDM? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @46wlf46 Yeppers ... to zillionths tolerances - ML 1 like
  -  slappomatt @laruetactical more like 0.0001
  -  46wlf46 @laruetactical sold. Just got two.