... sea•mount
a submarine mountain. 😳
635 likeszmckay231 They hit an actually mountain 🏔 under sea that wasn't charred? Or china fucked with us and they are covering it up 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @zmckay231 ... The Cold War never ended 16 likes
doolittlelamar Anyone see that the Navy is several months behind on paying our Sailors? Many are technically homeless, out of savings and taking out loans for day to day expenses. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10227979/US-Navy-sailors-forced-LOANS-months-long-delays-pay.html 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @doolittlelamar ... Found that article ... thanks 1 like
  -  rustyshucks @doolittlelamar that explains why my Amazon groceries were just delivered by an active duty seaman still in uniform 😮
drfrenchjr Isn't that like running your car into a really big building? 1 like
  -  nurse_holliday @drfrenchjr kinda, but you should be able to see out the front of your car. You're relying on sonar not being shit under the sea. 2 likes
parallax_error1 "What if the STEEL used for military-grade projects was made-inferior by our enemies as a method to weaken?" Q855. Also news last week about a metallurgist who falsified Government metal tests for subs/ships. 11 likes
  -  hughrerection @parallax_error1 that literally happened for like 20 years kinda a huge issue
  -  parallax_error1 @hughrerection Treason
  -  legionpreparedness @parallax_error1 all materials used in construction of American subs (not just steel) goes through an extremely rigorous quality control regimen.
  -  parallax_error1 @legionpreparedness Except when the lead metallurgist forges the results...
stevieb117 There was another 1 right around the the election that disappeared from the media 🤔🤔 1 like
turtle_d115 Magnetic north is on the move and corrections are needed weekly
meauxthompson Xi, reported in our news today, "CCP will not bully SE Asia" yeah right. 1 like
itsblayno The way it looks when you scroll past 1 like
n_e_a_l_z_u_m_b_r_o Let's go Brandon (navy pay) 1 like
calduckchaser Crazy Ivan ?????
yeet_c6 Unfortunately this isn't the first time subs have done this, back in 05 the USS San Francisco hit an undersea mount and got banged up pretty bad. Wouldn't surprise me if it happened again due to outdated charts.
cncappsjames When your enemy owns the mines your ore comes from... this ain't like the days we were buying Titanium from Russia to build SR-71's in the 60's. Our nation and is run by incompetent buffoons. 5 likes
pawpawlammy Wasn't the original report we collided with CCP naval vessel? 1 like
sean_the_kraken Could have bumped a USO
legionpreparedness Not buying it. My brother served 25 years on subs including the NR1 & mystic. Some are of the opinion it was a PLA sub or unmanned submersible of which they have MANY (something not publicly discussed by American military etc). The PLA also has dozens if not >100 prepositioned submerged nuclear devices all over the SCS AOR
maxximus2012 But at least we have an admiral who is a dude in a dress. 10 likes
  -  pawpawlammy @maxximus2012 that killed thousands of elderly in nursing homes in Pennsylvania! 3 likes
  -  chuckjunk @maxximus2012 that's actually the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service, but I understand what you are saying.
realbryanharris its almost like our military is a useless mountain of shit 1 like
  -  laruetactical @realbryanharris ... No it's not, it's as if there's a lot going on in the South China Sea 8 likes
  -  drickvalsky @realbryanharris that's a pretty broad sweeping statement. You should reconsider that what you just said was pretty shitty and largely inaccurate. My brother is a marine. Hard working loyal marine. Work in Avionics. I don't know my terms but he has been promoted quite a bit. Is a taller performer in his job. Recently got his black belt. Married. Father of two. Contributing everyday to make sure you are safe to post pictures of your steaks. Don't say dumb shit.
  -  legionpreparedness @realbryanharris this will be a very unpopular comment on this post. Whether it had anything to do with this incident is unknown to us but he has a point: there are in fact significant problems in our military ranging from lesbian gangs aboard ships in the navy to poor readiness & leadership as evidenced by the intentional scuttling of the USS Bonhomme Richard. Sadly, woke left-wing culture has corroded our military from the top down, which many believe is a direct result of a far ranging intelligence operation from China. As Ho Chi Minh said: "We will defeat Americans in their living rooms; not the battlefields of Vietnam." China & Russia played a significant role in that strategy. There is a lot going on in the SCS as ML stated. But that is a battle in a much bigger war being fought between China vs USA 2 likes
  -  belts_for_breakfast @realbryanharris damn. Must feel pretty cool using your first amendment right I swore to uphold and defend to say that. You know what's useless? People who sit around and armchair quarterback. If we're that bad, why don't you come fix it from the inside? Or are you too fat and old to do so? I'm sure you were going to enlist, but you'd have punched a Drill Sergeant if he got in your face, right? The comment should have stated that the majority of the upper echelon politicians in uniform are useless piles of shit. I'm sure that's what you meant. 1 like
hughrerection Has Joe biden paid china for hitting their underwater mtn or Is owning American politicans enough for them 2 likes