...Just sayin' - ML
500 likesthe.crew.co Put CAN mounts on sale. Pretty Please. 3 likes
- randomgyro @the.crew.co You won't regret it, save up and GET IT!
angelesarmory Orders in 👍
- laruetactical @angelesarmory ... We're hauling in pizza for the shipping department. They are kickin' ass and takin' names !! ML 3 likes
- angelesarmory @laruetactical I already got a tracking number. You guys are the best. 🙌
- angelesarmory @laruetactical that's why we use you in all our customer builds.
modest_omega 🔥
chiefjiv Do you have any aimpoint micro mounts taller than a 1/3 cowitness?
randomgyro Just bought a MBT1 & MBT2 on Tuesday, received and installed yesterday. PERFECTION. Going to pick up more now. EXCELLENT triggers & service.🤙🏻
boosh_boosh_noosh Got two MBT 2 stage last year, absolutely exceeded every expectation. I'll need two straight bows this year i think!
j.j.marks @mandingo376 👀 1 like
- mandingo376 @j.j.marks mother of fuckkkkkk I just bought MI mount and would have used their new one instead
zspicy Is there a code? Discount section? 1 like
damage_photos 🖤
mjaws117 @pjaws0613
arozier48 Just went to the site is there a code or will the sale price show 3 likes
- laruetactical @arozier48 ... My drunken IT guys tell me when you put 1 in the cart, then options for 3 or 5 show up - ML
pnhurst No discounts for anything in my cart 1 like
- laruetactical @pnhurst ... "This just in from the drunken IT guys ... "If they select 5 it will give them 5. They are mix matching as well, adding 2 of 1 and 1 of another to get the discount. One guy bought 5 of 1 and 2 of another so he got $70 on all 7." Hope this helps - ML
- laruetactical @pnhurst .... ^^^ That guy's comment - " Thanks LaRue for the mix & match trigger sale! Loaded up! Checked out as fast as Amazon maybe faster!!!!!! " 1 like
realmda13 Just received my order from Saturday, with a holiday Dillo tossed in. Thanks again ML! Can't wait to place my order for those sweeeeet new shirts next payday. 🤙 1 like
bjboh1 Thank you Mark! Your a rockstar love my LaRue!
mason_porter Can't see the deals on the website
ampitts42 Just received my Hot Towel Treatment, thanks Mark!
dustinstapp I ignorantly didn't realize you had 1 stage triggers... is that an option on your ultimate upper kits?
acw777us What about lowers?! 2 likes
kingjason145 @mrbiggboy
rbtbpowell So will I get my 3.5 Grendel by Christmas?
kcmanuel Maybe wishful thinking on my part, any chance of an OBR/PredatOBR barrel sale!? Would really like a 20" 308 OBR barrel to swap out with my 16"!😁