... Speaking of bacon, good grief they are raising some good looking hogs in the panhandle 💯 This is Pigman's 4th wild swine this weekend with that 16" LaRue Black & Tan 6mmARC 💥💥💥💥 ML
757 likesh_madden Where were y'all in the panhandle?
guns2317 🐷🐖🥓🥓🥓🥓mmmmmm
soldier200x Bacon is awesome
jason561 UU 6.5 Creedmoor kit in DPMS pattern please!!! With mlok hand guard 2 likes
thejeepbountyhunter Nice
tacconcan Bacon and Prosciutto!!!
homegrownsurvival All feral pigs are beautiful.. Sus Scrofa Matters !!
np70s2 I want that rifle so bad! You guys make awesome products! 1 like
kertmckeone That is quite the beast.
fast4door a fine specimen (both)
ashton278 Note the @silencercentral can
politicians_are_corrupt @seatruckn yess, I've been checking their website nearly constant and have just thought that I'm unlucky and they go out of stock as soon as they show up. Hopefully one of these days I'll catch them on the website!
joeski556 @laruetactical 7.62 UU kits for Christmas please?
seatruckn @laruetactical LT-10/MBT-2S here, put me down for 7.62UU
laruetactical @datmedicdoe ... Gadzooks
laruetactical @datmedicdoe ... What lower/trigger have you got ?