... This Black & Tan is going to a Charity Auction ... sometimes a 9 power calms the nerves. After the 3 shot group, came 1-click down, and 2-clicks right. Then shot to confirm. The ol' Simmons is trackin' ... 😎 ML
461 likesicecoldmn Love my Black and Tan. It shoots lights out 1 like
americanroninllc 😳 wonder if the scope would survive a 25 up elevation or a box drill? To each their own my LT get NF, Razors optics. The best for the best. 1 like
- laruetactical @americanroninllc ... It's for a charity auction ... it's sighted in and can hit a coyote 😎 1 like
el_jefe_556 I'm glad I'm not the only one with a $99 Niko Buckmaster type scope in a $200 Larue mount!
- laruetactical @el_jefe_556 ... I asked my guy about that Simmons ... "That scope is the last one of a bunch that was bought quite a few years ago and I'm not sure how much we paid for it but I would guess $38-$49. Certainly not more than $59" 4 likes
- el_jefe_556 @laruetactical a scope that costs half a tank of gas, great deal! 1 like
real_big_sky 0