985 likesvaders_child Imagine if you did AK , Glock, M&P, Sig triggers 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @vaders_child ... There's only so many of us here 🤷 2 likes
  -  vaders_child @laruetactical I know, love your triggers...I have 8 of them. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @vaders_child ... Thanks for being a discerning buyer 💯 5 likes
  -  vaders_child @laruetactical 👍🏼, but thank you for putting a quality trigger in reach of us regular ol ham n eggers
scott.curtis.353 Week 3 Black Friday deal ?
  -  laruetactical @scott.curtis.353 ... IIRC, Tomorrow afternoon will be the end of Week 3
evocatus_strategic Favorite AR trigger hands down 🙌 2 likes
shorebillybruce Imma need bout 10 of dem sweet triggas. 😎 2 likes
nocornerman I'm not even gonna think about my mbt2s, I'm just hoping it shows up right around dec 20th 🎄🎅 LaRue'oClaus 2 likes
  -  nocornerman @nocornerman aaand it shipped 🤩
_tim_ballard what i run in both my blasters💪 1 like
satandidit My 6.8 spc shoots lights out with that trigger. Thanks for making such a great product! 👍 1 like
billbee235 I have quite a 'top tier' AR triggers and the MBT Is still probably the best 🙌 1 like
mrevanmartinez Snagged my first last week. After a couple hundred rounds and some of my best groups, it won't be my last. 1 like
dallas258 The best trigger on the market
  -  laruetactical @dallas258 ... ☝ He's right you know 1 like
jaykabee44 Just bought one last night along with your AR-15 Match Grade Upper, can't wait to shoot it! 1 like
gem_state_j Mark's million dollar trigger sale! 1 like
cidthecyankid95 I have an MBR-2S flat bow trigger in my AR556 and it is great. Another has been ordered for an AR pistol build I am working on. Keep up the tom terrific job Mark. 👍 1 like
efrainp736 Are 2 stage triggers ok for duty/self defense type rifles? Sorry if the question is dumb. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @efrainp736 ... My 1917 Enfield and 1903-A3 both have 2-stage triggers ... America's warfighters fought World War 1 with 2-stage triggers 🤷 2 likes
  -  constablerobert @efrainp736 my completely worthless opinion is that there's not nearly as big of a difference in actual performance between a single stage trigger and a 2 stage trigger as people on the internet want you to think. I have LaRue 2 stage triggers in both of my AR's and they work just fine for shooting fast and at close range. 2 likes
  -  todd.ritz @efrainp736 Both my duty rifles have 2-stage MBT triggers... and one of those rifles came with a brand-name trigger. 😮 1 like
  -  ewdeters @efrainp736 absolutely. I shoot them for hunting and for competition. Barely notice the stages of you are just shooting close range but great to have for more accurate shots. 1 like
  -  chasin_pedos_to_the_gallows @efrainp736 i prefer them for my area because we regularly have open spaces beyond 200m. A two stage and it's initial prep stage make for knowing EXACTLY when it will break and exactly when your reticle needs to be in position 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @chasin_pedos_to_the_gallows ... Well said 1 like
mal1nis Single stage Larue triggers would be a great addition to my MBT-2S collection. 1 like
infinitejoker Soooo.... What you're saying is that I need to order more? 👍
dana_bp That's very impressive considering that since July 4 I've separately bought two uppers, 2 lowers, and two triggers and had every order in 1-3 weeks!
  -  dana_bp @dana_bp I say this knowing I've been waiting for a 10.5" LMT MRP 300BLK barrel since September 2020. 👏
optiskate Lol I might need another one. I havent been able to finish any builds so I havent even felt it yet... and my girlfriend has claimed it for her own... for her nearly finished 7.5" PWS build... 😂
jessica_flowers.s Imagine if you had the flat bows in sale too 👀
legionpreparedness Wish you'd make some single stage tho 🤔
travisw1845 Cool... got any O dem tranquilo muzzle brakes? Gun sure is loud.
z_towns Used one of yours years ago on my brothers rifle I believe, and continue to use your mounts 🤓 will be picking a few up end of this week to throw in a few rifles w/ one being a brand name.
etexag Are they in stock and shipping?
chasin_pedos_to_the_gallows Do these use full power hammer spring sir?
jossege Every compatible gun I have already has one, so I need to find a way to fit one in my Benelli M4 so I can buy another 😂
wolfsprairieoutdoors Wicked 🔥
drew__walker Let's put them flat bois on sale 🔥 1 like
botelloorly My first MBT took 2 months to get to me (well worth the wait). This MBT that I recently ordered for this sale got to me within a week. Out fucking standing! @laruetactical 2 likes
davidcooperstein @laruetactical Now just add the flat bows to the sale. Pretty please 😁 1 like
tom_rakip So how about more single stage? Asking for a friend @laruetactical 😂
doneitdeliberatev3 Can I get a single stage please
jhetch81876 I have two of these triggers, one in my larue rifle, which happens to be my most accurate rifle, and one in my DDM4V7. I'm my opinion, it's much better than the geissele triggers and ALG triggers. Can't beat it, especially for the price too..