... Dammit, dammit, dammit ... I gotta go proof-group these hammers. One life to live 💥 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 ML ... P.S. I used the pic edit feature to "align" the seam in the concrete parallel to the edge of the pic - Boomers On Patrol ✅
663 likessigmpc_k9 I like that green/olive furniture on the rack to the right!!!
  -  laruetactical @sigmpc_k9 ... #metoo
stevenguastella One of each please and thank you.
craigthomas4699 Any 18" 6.5 Creedmoor UUs in there? Mostly patiently waiting...😬🤞😂
  -  david.fisher90 @craigthomas4699 how long have you been waiting haha?
  -  craigthomas4699 @david.fisher90 Early January.
  -  david.fisher90 @craigthomas4699 I've been waiting since last October haha
1striker4life Love. The green
nickibenaj When y'all gonna work on 6.5 MGUs again?
perez2021juan Oh wait! Are those some PredatAR's with heavies? Stealth barrels?
  -  perez2021juan @perez2021juan Oh my bad.....that looks like the small block OBR's 😊
justadad1980 Looks fun
  -  laruetactical @justadad1980 ... Went quick ... shot an absolute minimum amount of ammo to get proof needed to ship to customers. Except for that 308 ... I kept shooting it, cause, why not ?
  -  justadad1980 @laruetactical sounds like a fun part of the day actually. I would've loved to train like Keanu Reeves did for John Wick man that looks fun.
pdxsharpshooter Does it happen often where you get a crap of a group? What do you do then? Scrap the barrel??
  -  laruetactical @pdxsharpshooter ... No, doesn't happen. I am getting a little jaded in that if they don't all touch I start thinking the barrel shop has lost it's touch. Then I shoot another group and she straightens up and flies right and I kick myself for doubting things.
  -  pdxsharpshooter @laruetactical wow impressed that it NEVER happens. Good to know 👏. Speaks loudly of your QA/QC.
  -  laruetactical @pdxsharpshooter ... We know what we're doing 🤷 1 like
  -  pdxsharpshooter @laruetactical do you or have considered a warranty like SOGLW where if you reach end of life of barrel due shear amount of shooting, you will replace it?
  -  laruetactical @pdxsharpshooter ... We've been no-cost replacing barrels since a decade or more ago, on Day 1. 3 likes
lilrieck When can i jump on the wait list for the siete?
mym4ismybuddy I want an OBR so bad.
  -  laruetactical @mym4ismybuddy ... For some reason the OBRs shoot just a smidge tighter for me. But I think it's all in my head. 🤷 1 like
  -  mym4ismybuddy @laruetactical man they're badass. I appreciate you making them lol. Now I just gotta get one