... Judged by 12 ... not carried by 6 ...
2,182 likesamerigo_verrazano #mericaus 1 like
icecoldmn Huge win for America, looks like some of the system still works. You should be able to defend yourself 5 likes
  -  perez2021juan @icecoldmn YUGE. Sad that such a basic idea was essentially on trial. Thankful for God's hand in this victory. 🙏
cncappsjames And the Constitution prevails. 1 like
  -  realmda13 @cncappsjames actually a copy just sold at auction. To a hedge fund billionaire
itsa1911 a big F U to the media on how they slammed Kyle all this time 7 likes
the_modern_minuteman I think he deserves a fresh Larue rifle after all this 😉 6 likes
herefor_thebeer Pretty sure they timed this out so the riots will take headlines over the Congress BBB vote . Just a little conspiracy theory I have rolling around 3 likes
the_kettle_das_kessel Send this man some free swag 3 likes
gregfison Justice prevails! Now to get team Sandman and his lawyer on the phone 2 likes
stiglitzfirearms 🙌👏 thank you God!! 1 like
b_kirby_501 Amen! us us us
sigshooter23 Damn straight 👊🏼👊🏼us us
gmarchbanks Praise!!!!👏
hobbit0717 Some good people left.
mskategordon Bless him! I can't believe how well he handled himself. I would have been a wreck going through that at 17. I hope he finds peace. 3 likes
______campo Outstanding!!
djk91lx A great day.
ryanchilders259 Knew it
oneillops Boom!
broke_and_low Can't wait to hear what woke Lebron James has to say 😂 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @broke_and_low ... Who cares what's on his mind 🤷 60 likes
  -  broke_and_low @laruetactical Unfortunately a lot of dumbass people 🤣 1 like
  -  sigshooter23 @laruetactical He won't even know what's on his mind until China tells him. 3 likes
  -  broke_and_low @sigshooter23 🤣 facts 1 like
  -  bmayes425 @laruetactical no shit...who's Lebron? 2 likes
  -  fiesta346 @broke_and_low he's jealous of Kyle making shots under pressure 2 likes
  -  damunchies007 @sigshooter23 🙌
therealallanbarnett American justice was saved today. God bless that jury. 1 like
bashi323 Excellent "Mr Burns Voice"
andy.chavers Good day for our justice system!
srybatch Hero
rick37784 Hallelujah!! 👏🙌
_cop_lives_matter 👍us us us
james_siler 👍👍clus
heatheryanta 🧡
creighton_chronicles 👏
trevorreust Now that he's a free man of adult age, @laruetactical should send him a quality rifle to replace the one the state stole from him. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @trevorreust ... We'll name it "Weed Whacker" 7 likes
  -  trevorreust @laruetactical sounds like a limited edition run of rifles to me 😂
carolinalaserworks Now how do we get him a @laruetactical to replace the poverty pony he had taken!! No but in all seriousness I am glad the kid was found not guilty. 1 like
  -  trevorreust @carolinalaserworks agreed, do it @laruetactical !! 1 like
  -  usingmyrights @carolinalaserworks GOA is sending him a rifle, but I don't know what kind. 1 like
threepereaper68 👍
ranching__ 👏👏👏
texaselectric1973 Maybe psa should make a lower to celebrate the victory. 😂
davecooper1824 Let's go Kyle
kjm104110 YESSIR
b_hobbs__ Found not guilty! Boy he has a huge lawsuit he will be going after. When the president calls you a white supremacist, the news outlets do everything they can to paint you in the same light. Everyone is about to be F'd. What a coincidence that Biden is off getting a colonoscopy on the same day that Rittenhouse is cleared of all charges! Lol. This is a win for all of us who believe in our right to defend ourselves. #pro2a 4 likes
  -  meauxthompson @b_hobbs__ and Brandon dodged the question about calling him WS today. Sorry human that can't admit a wrong.
  -  b_hobbs__ @meauxthompson I missed that today! Figures though. Another series of question leaving the American people wondering wtf
fiesta346 Rumor is they're shipping Mr rittenhouse to the hot riot spots 😂😂
nextstopwilloughby7.92 Innocent as FUCK
christian94703 Hallelujah! We love America with all our challenges and challengers: Justice for all us 👍🙏
block.er919 Sue for defamation 1 like
ed97ward 👏 Finally!!!! Common sense resurfaces!!! Curious to see if any idiots will try and use this as an excuse for more "civil" stupidity
johnbearross Fuckin' A.