... Remember me asking about Covid a month or so ago ? So, from y'all's input, I had my very capable purchasing department acquire the goods for us to put each employee a Covid Kit together ... membership has it's privileges. ML
788 likesreluctant_hobby_farmer Nice!!
goobax Quite literally pissing your money away.
  -  laruetactical @goobax ... Why follow me if all you want to do is show your ass ? If you had 2 synapses firing, you'd know I delete accounts such as yours without looking back. 16 likes
  -  jhsnyder85 @laruetactical he's not exactly wrong as your body can only effectively absorb so much. Check out my previous response re. Quercetin
  -  craigthomas4699 @goobax Not if they are deficient, or have a diet that is lacking. Yes, anything their body doesn't need, or absorb will be "pissed" away, but most people aren't getting adequate amounts of zinc and vitamin D from their diet/the sun. 3 likes
  -  venomfirearmsimaging @goobax until you realize how many Americans are vitamin D and zinc deficient. 1 like
  -  twl_14 @laruetactical guys a douche.. doesn't know what a good employer is
  -  brad_jackie55555 @goobax - What's with all this bossing grown men around with what they want to do? Isn't this (supposed) to be a free country. Aren't his kick ass mounts & triggers good enough. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @american.ubermensch ... Years ago my doctor was looking at my blood numbers and came to D3 ... and told me one of his neurologist buddies had told my doc that he wasn't declaring it definititive, but he had noted that all of his patients (neurological, such as MS) had a D3 deficiency. His point was, “can't hurt to keep your D3 numbers in the bullseye” 5 likes
devinreeve 👏👏
fayworsham Looks good to me.
guncentral.tx Dont forget vitamin D, basically every american is vitamin D deficient.
stevenmcclay6921 I'm doing that regimen but my biotin is part of a B/C pill. So far so good.
litaloo112 I use Zinc, vitamin C and D 3 likes
oldfrankm7 Do not forget vitamin C, possibly extracted from rosehip otherwise is probably laboratory synthetized stuff
  -  oldfrankm7 @oldfrankm7 also do stay in the sun at least 30 minutes a day if you want to boost vitamin d level using integrators, and assume vitamins when eating, otherwise you will make some damn pricey pissing.
michael_rogers35 Did it work?? Any covid cases?
jhsnyder85 Quercetin helps the body absorb more of the zinc.
shoesfromcows I know two people that work for you guys. I have great respect for all you guys do. Keep up the good work. 1 like
icecoldmn I take those along with vitamin c. Wash it down with a crown royal every night..so far so good 1 like
fireclean 👍🏻
Everyone who has had Zinc on an empty stomach never forgets the following hours 🤦🏻 1 like
somewhere.montana 👏 heard NAC was good too if you feel like looking it up.
ericablestx now get to work on my 45-70 AR
nursegunsandsoles As a nurse, I am a bit skeptic about the whole Covid 19, since last December? I have worked 2 jobs, 100+ hours a week and have worked with PTs who diagnosed with "Covid 19." I just think I should have got Vovid by now.🤣 4 likes
  -  nursegunsandsoles @nursegunsandsoles Covid** 1 like
the.broken.medic High dose vitamin C! My doctor gave me all that and told me to take aspirin daily to avoid the blood clots some get. Then I was put in 2 different cough syrups, steroids, inhalers and antibiotics since I developed an infection with really high WBC. Stalk decent bottled water and got a mini fridge from my parents because getting up to get or do anything was a nightmare! Just some other weird suggestions. Stay safe guys! Glad you are looking out for your employees if they do get it.
az4runr I appreciate the fact that you are thinking about your employees health. Regardless if your doing this as protection of your bottom line or because you are a generous caring human being. It says a lot about you and Larue Tactical. I wish my employer was as thoughtful. us 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @az4runr ... I'm doing it as a protection of employee's bottom line. Have you noticed what has happened nationwide to employees that got scattered like leaves when Covid struck their place of work. Ain't pretty. 3 likes
  -  az4runr @laruetactical I have not seen it but I have read about it. Again thank you. That is very admirable.
rj_mcready Ummmm......Covid is a hoax. The cure is turn off your tv. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @rj_mcready ... I view Covid as a snake on the trail that can be easily avoided by simply giving it a wide berth. 1 like
sixgunscott I can't believe they actually tagged your post. Instagram is a joke 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @sixgunscott ... Ha, I hadn't noticed.
fyrfytrs.wife Awesomeness 🙏🧡us
turner.el.burner Add a pulse oximeter and some quercetin
806tmf Adults: 5000 units Vit D daily. 15000 to 25000 units of Vit A and then Vitamin C to bowel tolerance and the passover protocol if you get sick. Google that, the passover protocol. 😬 we are all in this together.
blueskyminds Combo the zinc with Vitamin C. Also, highly recommend getting blood work done before high doses of vit D — very important.
chri_s2670 All of the labels should say USP approved. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @chri_s2670 ... In this strip-the-shelves Covid market, you get what you can get. 16 likes
  -  chri_s2670 @laruetactical true, but I'm able to find vit d and zink with usp labels here at our local store. Anything is better than nothing.
kaiulll 👍
d.w.jones Don't forget vitamin C. Double dose:) 7 likes
lazor22 Dont forget the elderberry..... DAILY 1 like
the_og_brad Should of went "now foods 5000iu". Their quality is much better as well as more D3 per capsule. Been taking it for 15yrs 1 like
el_jefe_556 Measure your vitamin D level at your next check up. Most Americans are woefully low - many many benefits from cheap, safe and available vitamin D 1 like
parallax_error1 Add NAC as well. Used in TX protocols among competent practitioners.
doubleyouay4 This is awesome. Most companies tell their employees to wear a mask and be afraid! 4 likes
supercomp9x23 Great job of being proactive.
abel.a.gonz MedCram on YouTube gives quality Covid-19 news.