... "Mark, how do you drill that deep hole the firing pin goes through into your in-house made AR-bolts ?" That's a great question and I'm glad you asked. We gundrill that hole perfectly straight right here in this gundrill, using an interesting chucking method that works fabulously 💪 ML
5,842 views; 567 likeszengland Are the BCGs that drop today different from the ones that came in the complete uppers that you sold a few months ago or are they the same minus the engraving?
lablover114 That is awesome. Thank you for sharing🔥
jtac_tard Any runout using that collet system? 1 like
- laruetactical @jtac_tard ... It holds them just like it would an endmill (that it was meant for).
bradtully7 Tell that guy to get rid of that sporty watch before it gets caught in the gears. 1 like
- bcarley204 @bradtully7 that's exactly what I thought.... 1 like
- laruetactical @bradtully7 ... It's an Eldorado gundrill ... and that nut is stationary. Nothing to get caught in.
austinjonesangler Still looking for a Christmas Dillo post.
btr.sometimes.vh Nice setup. We normally do FP hole first, and use that as our centerline.
laruetactical ... Thanks, it's essentially a "precision pocket" that we later drill down into from the bolt face.
sigman2006 Take your watch on on the lathe! Are you looking for workers' comp, or a paycheck? 1 like
vader.runner That's badass! Kickass watch too