... Whelp, I asked the drunken I.T. guys how many MBT-2S triggers we sold since our OctobARfest sale began ... 6,666 👀 The devil is in the details 😎 Thanks for keeping it going strong 💪 Watch your LaRueMail today for OctobARfest TexasSpec(TM) Bolt Carriers. I might've missed a week or two. Pesky Laser sh*t the bed 🤷 ML
531 likesflashbang.kd "How many times you been struck by lightning?" Anyone guess the movie? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @flashbang.kd ... The Curious story of Buttons
  -  daddyscott2001 @flashbang.kd great outdoors - John candy and Dan akroyd 3 likes
  -  flashbang.kd @laruetactical never seen it.
  -  flashbang.kd @daddyscott2001 classic!
  -  laruetactical @flashbang.kd ... "The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button"
vee70arr Not impressed until 6969. 😂 3 likes
cooperative.aggression Waiting patiently for the 6969... nice 😉 1 like
roofkorean92 Any ETA on grips and stocks??
  -  zengland @roofkorean92 ordered a grip yesterday and it shipped this morning 1 like
  -  roofkorean92 @zengland dang, I placed an order on 11/9 and for a grip, stock and trigger but still on backorder status. I'm pretty sure the RAT stock is holding it up....
  -  zengland @roofkorean92 ahh. Mine was just a grip and buffer tube - guess that's why it shipped so quickly.
mikenotgonnagetit I'm happy to be part of that number!
nathandyoung76 Four Sixes... got me thinking of Yellowstone.
alpha_phil15 Eagerly awaiting BCG drop...
shqype_ Any plans with the BuildAR list you asked about? 🙃
jrusty1 My go to trigger for all my builds
levinsmithenhouzen About to add a couple more to that number. 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿
kevinmichael_67 I'd love a Siete for Christmas.
bigbrassenergy Best trigger on the market 🔥🔥🔥
dippin_85 Eta on straight bows?
garen_m_25 When's that bolt action gonna drop?
tallen805 Wow! Big G has got to be soiling their pants. 👊 1 like
  -  laruetactical @tallen805 ... My hat's off to Ghastly ... he has a vast supply of Ghastly customers that don't realize his complete cast trigger costs are about what my raw material costs are, before we even cut the first chip. Ghastly I tell ya, ghastly 😎 5 likes
knckls_up Ordered a straight bow trigger last week and CS can't ETA shipment. I was really excited to try my first MBT as well as a straight bow.
chad_lamborghini Just wait till you hit 7,777. You will be able to afford that hot tub you always wanted. 😂😂😂
realmda13 I've been refreshing the sale page since Friday in anticipation of the BCG sale.
I only have the chrome boi, I need a backup. I'll settle for Texas spec I guess 😂
johnmarkf_24 @themichaelchamlee more than Geissele
tioga_arms @laruetactical do you have any MCX triggers and if not do you plan on manufacturing any in the future? Thanks.