... Our MBT trigger's S7 Toolsteel disconnector has a little hoochiedoochie feature that captures the spring 💯 😎 ML
615 likesgrockinu One of my fav Rick Derringer songs, Rock n Roll HoochieDoochie 1 like
alexh762x39 Love how y'all's triggers are built like battle ships yet still buttery smooth and perfectly crisp. It shouldn't be possible 🤣 3 likes
reidaverill So much less cussing when installing 2 likes
taylorgaangggg Love this trigger.
holdenguns What's the hold up on ar10 ultimate builders kits?
andrew_.223 All about the little stuff!
the_silverfox83 Phenomenal triggers 🔥🔥🔥🔥
trapshootb Best Trigger on the Planet 🔥🔥 love all of mine 😍
jcmerz Love all 5 of mine 💪
the_angry_osprey Just installed another MBT 20 minutes ago.🔥🔥
bs929z Damn thats some hard steel.
tyrel_morris Are they better than Bill's? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @tyrel_morris ... I can feel the difference, but I'm also a toolmaker, that shoots groups seen on here from my shop's scratch-made barrels 🤷 14 likes
  -  cletus.james.walker @laruetactical Toolmaker -vs- Engineer and the Toolmaker wins every time. I'm also a Toolmaker, and your triggers are stellar. 2 likes
  -  icecoldmn @tyrel_morris I'd say they are, I have one of the first batch and another 20 or so I gave to family and friends, they all love them 1 like
  -  blakeshooter You can't go wrong, I have them all. 1 like
  -  chato308 @tyrel_morris no they're not. But the G's are definitely not twice the price better. The resets are longer on the MBT-2. I have 3 G's, 2 MBT-2's, and 2 Schmidt Tool 2-stage triggers. I'd place the MBT-2 a very close second place and the Schmidt right behind it
  -  mikenotgonnagetit @tyrel_morris depends on who you ask. I sold off my SSA's and swapped in MBT's into all of my rifles and every rifle I build for folks. To me they are way better, no creep at the beginning of the pull and S7 tool steel is good shit that can take one hell of a beating without breaking. They use the stuff in jackhammer bits 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mikenotgonnagetit ... Yep, it's the same as the 2" diameter S7 toolsteel rods mounted on backhoe/trackhoe rockbusters .. S7 = Shock 7 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @mikenotgonnagetit ... And yep, there's definitely "creep" ... it slides along and doesn't go off ... and on some, you can stop in the middle of it, take a breath, exhale half and start pulling some more 👀 1 like
  -  mikenotgonnagetit @laruetactical most definitely. The creep is what got me. Trigger costs vastly more but it slid around more too. Even greased up my MBT's are essentially "wall" then bang nothing in between outside of the typical stage 1 take up. 1 like
  -  mikenotgonnagetit @laruetactical i forgot about the rockbusters on tractors. Im familiar with S7 also being used in a few knives that I own that can just take a beating like a son of a bitch without a hiccup
tacthiccalfun Hoochiedoochie
makopit1 What is the red grease used on your triggers?
bmullis @laruetactical BEST AR trigger on the market, bar none !!! 2 likes
johnpaulsen @jpaulsen_ 👏👏