... This may be the best group I've ever shot ... and it was from the 15th rifle I shot today. A 16" 5.56 LaRue OBR / NightForce 5-25 ATAC*R / 69grain Federal Gold Medal March / Harris * LaRue HybridPod / 100 yards (as always) and ML on the trigger 😎 ML
1,263 likesbig.jlee I shot my best group today as well. 5 shot group at .480, have been trying to get a 5 shot sub-moa group since receiving your upper. Finally bought 5 boxes of factory ammo and the hornady black 75gr was the answer. Now to figure out how to re-create that load. 3 likes
traxxnfire I don't know if you even get better than that 👏 1 like
kinked_chrome Just do that for all the rifles. Ctrl+c ctrl+v 3 likes
nocornerman You gotta etch a ML on those extra spicy OBRs for that lucky customer that gets the unicorn of unicorns 🦄 2 likes
carolinalaserworks Do you need my shipping address to send it to? ...lol. Great shooting and awesome job building them. 1 like
ninjadanceoff Who got this rifle... I just wanna talk. 😂😏 1 like
scottiemac42099 🎯
michaelzarmory 😎👍
leafonthewind101 😮
chesterfieldhideout Wow!!👏👏👏
tradskullseuromounts 🧡
fibesboy Outstanding! 👍👍
trapshootb 😮🙌🔥🔥
kodiak_precision Congratulations on all of it!!
jweger21 🙌
jeffsmiddy Impressive!!
gaswamper Thing of beauty....
c12dg_llc Damn. I might need that upper... 😳
elist71975 Tight
bdclone 😮😮😮
tn1822 Boom!
ntxcamo Not going to outshoot that one
gwerkin88 What twist is that barrel?
envy.none Not a fluke. Great job, wow.
tom.m.barr Gorgeous 😍 maybe one day when I stop buying classic car related parts...
legendpilot Is that one shot and the bullet began to tumble? 🤪
perez2021juan Proud work!
him72984 1BH moa
kevin.young.77582 Doesn't that rifle belong to me 😂.All kidding aside someday I'd like to buy a 308 from ya but first I gotta pay off the triarc and goodies that came with it.
worldwideblue172 @averagefinancialadvisor 🔥 1 like
mykee_eyles Like a laser! Shame I live in an anti gun country or I would have one!
zato_ichi_ Awesome ! Would give some bench guns a run for their money 💸💸💸😊
patrick.a.johnson314 No one outshooting the shootist with that rifle!!
recon1212 Damn. That's almost a perfect keyhole. 👏🙌
siegrisj @laruetactical using 69grain because of availability, or is that what they tend to like? Curious why not 77
reagan.911.991.c2 3 shots?? Hot damm! 👏👏
shugwhiteboy @jaronscarbro I don't see LWRC doin this.
robwhite72 I'd hang onto that target and quite possibly that rifle!
kalohao I need me one of those. 🙌
_ibanez17 Are you only doing exclusive 16" rifles? @laruetactical