... November 10th ... Happy Birthday U.S. Marines. All y'all know the Marine in the foreground is my youngest daughter, and at 652 yards, she likely holds the Marine's longest 7.62 bull elk heart shot. Google "LaRue Daughter Elk" for the story - ML
620 likestopshotdustin Verified Awesome! 1 like
kirkcornett Thank her for her service!! And thank you for what you do for our service men and women.
garrettcwo I have a feeling her dad had something to do with teaching her how to do that.
robbie.horne.17 Rah!! Happy Birthday Jarhead!! 1 like
notchgear Happy Birthday and wow, that's pretty impressive!
canis_riffus @capt_papa_rich_
notyouraveragebrewer That expert badge was mandatory! 😂 Happy B-Day to us.
gunnertwo BAM- Bad Ass Marine. Only one acronym for Female Marines. I know, I worked for one.
unhinged.srt Thank you for all you do mark. My family doesnt shop anywhere else.