kodiak_precision 5k in 1 month. That's Frick'n awesomeness!! 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @kodiak_precision ... Get your T.I. calculator out ... It's 5,000 in 2 weeks 14 likes
  -  kodiak_precision @laruetactical .... Now that is crazier yet. I have never had an issue with your triggers. They all feel the same and reliable, always. Same quality in all you do. Thank you and your staff for the exceptional performance and reliability. Have a great week to all. 2 likes
digelm I have a LaRue lower that I bought a while back. Are these triggers better? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @digelm ... They are not better than a LaRue lower ... just different 🤷 14 likes
kevinsandersonsbeard Love my MBT 2S. Any chances of the single stages coming back? I'd like one for my shorty blaster. 6 likes
thedollarsportsman Love mine! I need more 😆 1 like
fishthakid Larue MBT -> Best money you can spend 9 likes
  -  scotty2hottythompson @fishthakid M.oney B.est T.aken
tony_rust_3445 Thank you for a badass trigger at a great price !!! 3 likes
grunt167 I bought three and would have purchased more if my wallet had let me. 2 likes
profileungnome Sorry they mit now lol
  -  laruetactical @profileungnome ... 😎
ryanchilders259 I will probably never buy any other trigger but LaRue MBT. 1 like
sandy_saint_nick_ ...They are really good... 1 like
915ruz I was just about to buy a ghastly for my duty weapon, im just going to stick with my Texas. 🔥 3 likes
leadtoxicosis Best trigger for the money you can buy!👏🔥 8 likes
mike_dabid I run a LaRue Trigger in my Hk416. Nothing but the best for that build. It's better than the G trigger in my experience and opinion. I have a couple different brand but prefer LaRue as my no.1. Texas made sure is a huge bonus. 2 likes
surfinnh I love my mbts without question my fav trigger 1 like
mk21diver Next build I'm going to try one of these out. I have a few "ghastly" triggers, lol. Both are fantastic, but yes, crazy expensive. I'm assuming, with your post, that the MBT is comparable if not of equal or greater quality. That's an amazing feat if so. Can't wait to try one. 2 likes
  -  vangc83 @mk21diver, I sold everyone of my "G"eneric triggers for the MBT. Ergonomically better, definitely better quality, and trigger overall is a huge improvement. Best part is the savings. Buy two for one... 4 likes
  -  titan_rook @mk21diver Honestly, with them on sale again, you really can't go wrong if you're looking for a two-stage traditional (curved) bow trigger. Buy a couple of TACs (Trigger Action Chassis), too, and side-by-side compare what came out of your current setup to the MBT. 1 like
ryan_thecarguy Y'all need to make a binary 😁 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @ryan_thecarguy ... We're keeping up with our MBT-2S just fine and don't need a niche trigger to interrupt our rhythm 28 likes
  -  chris.perry.9862 @laruetactical your 2s Trigger is fantastic. Don't FK it up 1 like
  -  willsmashu @ryan_thecarguy nah
ziptiespec Now do the flat trigger :) 1 like
  -  reagan.911.991.c2 @ziptiespec this is what I need 1 like
jason_r_ This reminds me.. I need to get another flat trigger from you guys
  -  laruetactical @jason_r_ ... Better get after it ... we expect things to pick up aggressively as we get near Thanksgiving and people find out America's shelves are bare and start scrambling for Christmas gifts. 5 likes
  -  jason_r_ @laruetactical after work I'll be on it!
  -  jason_r_ @laruetactical that also reminds me for Christmas presents. I'm sure my friends would like getting triggers for Christmas. 1 like
rzrbax56 Swapped out my Geissele SSA for the LaRue MBT in my DD V11 lw. Love your trigger. Ordering another for my LWRC SPR. Great product 6 likes
  -  iancarlisle7 @rzrbax56 I should do that, my spr's trigger is awful
  -  laruetactical @iancarlisle7 ... I shot a budget rifle recently and it's factory trigger had 5 stages of creep ... so creepy I thought it was Halloween 👀 15 likes
  -  jdg0707 @laruetactical great triggers and mounts but not so great on the customer service today!
  -  willsmashu @jdg0707 small company. Have patience. You aren't that important
  -  jdg0707 @willsmashu has nothing to do with patience. I have already received my order. Mind your fucking business!
joeboboutfitters Buck Fill
  -  topgunshooter @joeboboutfitters lul
jaykabee44 I would totally love to buy a MBT-2S...in a LaRue Ultimate kit 😂 1 like
big_red985 Larue is the only way
blackrock_savage I have 3 Larue triggers installed. Awesome stuff.
nm156v2 Love mine!!
that_big_hawaiian_dude Just got one. Mad I haven't gotten them sooner.
perez2021juan Proud work sir!
exjug I noticed that. Keep up the good work. 🤙🏼
scotty2hottythompson Just waiting to save more $$$ for that beautiful 12" Quad Rail yall make 😍🔥
codywlaws Love my MBT 2
coreypeterson59 @laruetactical are you referencing how Texas Instruments stole calculator technology from binary instruments as their manufacturer and then sold them as their own because bomar hadn't competed the patent? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @coreypeterson59 ... And are you actively typing on Xerox's workmanship ? 4 likes
  -  coreypeterson59 @laruetactical lol I'm unsure, didn't xerox only make printers? not saying bomar didn't deserve it lol never let someone manufacture your tech without patents in place easiest way to get it stolen and rebranded.
  -  moodphotoz @coreypeterson59 "Windows" was an internal Xerox program the company used that was taken elsewhere for profit by bill G
  -  moodphotoz @coreypeterson59 making something better and cheaper isn't a copy of something worse and more expensive.
  -  reagan.911.991.c2 @moodphotoz actually Apple stole it first, they just couldn't make it user friendly 😂😂
  -  coreypeterson59 @moodphotoz did not know that.
b_baum17 T.I.Phone
merc321_ Man, I hope my 6.5 creedmoor UU kit ships soon. Hyped for it
zakkus_araylius I bought a g2s recently just to see what the big deal is and it feels almost the same but I really don't like that spring clip Hammer pin retainer so I will only buy LaRue from now on
  -  whiskeyzero5 @zakkus_araylius that's only specific to the G2S their other triggers aren't like that
the_storm_troopy Savage. Love both triggers, but them being more less equal for DMR applications. Going MBT every time. Like you stole his Betty.
benjamin.d.hall1 I'm considering putting one of triggers in a build. From all my research and experience gis$%^&$ is overpriced and not nearly as durable as they claim....
slack1776 @ryan3172_mtn
jte45 Will your triggers work in an MCX?
zach.holley Ordered my second MBT2S this weekend and it shows to be arriving tomorrow. There is no going back to milspec for anything considered precision
raydrawsagain You're welcome. Building one for a buddy & my nephew put 2 in ones he's building, one with a LaRue upper he bought. Do I get a commission? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @raydrawsagain ... Yes, an Internet Battle Commission ... I hereby bestow the rank of Lance Corporal upon you 💥 28 likes
  -  bkurseeo @laruetactical that's pretty kind of you! 🤣 1 like
  -  raydrawsagain @laruetactical I'll take it. Most senior LCPL in history 💪🏼 1 like
a_velez5 So glad I didn't fall into the ghastly hype. Great trigger @laruetactical .
harrystetser I have 2 MBT flat bow, and I wouldn't trade them for anything 1 like
fire_arms_channel Jesus that's 400k worth of triggers
johndshea Do you make an MBT analogue for the SCAR? I want to upgrade my terrible FN trigger but don't want to give Ghastly my money.
builders_best_coils What kind of finish do you use on your triggers? I have a geissele SD and while I love the trigger, I am not a fan of the black oxide they use. Always preferred nitride and have recently read a ton of reviews of geissele triggers rusting. A trigger that expensive you would assume they would use a more corrosion resistant finish like the nanocoating on their govX model instead of charging300+ for it
  -  laruetactical @builders_best_coils .... Our LaRue MBT triggers (around 200,000 made) are CNC'd from S7 Tool Steel Billet plates, then Salt Bath Nitrided aka QPQ (Quench Polish Quench). Rust-proof and harder than Kelly's nuts 💪 9 likes
  -  builders_best_coils @laruetactical sounds exactly like what I need. Any issue with light primer strikes without the heavy spring? Also don't have experience with multiple pin sizes, in assuming this trigger would work in a standard PSA and/or DD m4a1 lower?
  -  commissar_larkin @builders_best_coils have 2 of the MBTs, running the light spring in both of them and havent had any issues with either. Respective round counts MBT#1 is just past 8k mixed between wolf gold, steel, m193, m855. MBT#2 is newer and I've got maybe 2k on it in mainly m193 and the last of my steel case wolf. Anecdotal evidence is all I have
  -  holy_guacamole710 @builders_best_coils there's really only one trigger pin size out there. The "large pin" triggers are made for a dumb size that colt did for a few years in an attempt to make sure their civilian rifles couldn't accept any select fire components.
  -  builders_best_coils @holy_guacamole710 I was gonna say I haven't seen much except for the extremely rare mention of larger pin sizes, but at 5his point have really only worked on a couple ARs. Had assumed it was either for AR-10 platform or for various select fires
  -  builders_best_coils @commissar_larkin nice. No issues with it ever randomly going full auto? That has really been the only issue I've seen reported with the mbts
  -  laruetactical @builders_best_coils .... We make a full-auto MBT we submitted for the MRGG-S submission 🤷 1 like
  -  commissar_larkin @builders_best_coils lol no but not somthing I'd consider a deal breaker per say if it ever happened or talk about
  -  builders_best_coils @commissar_larkin @laruetactical I def don't consider it a deal breaker especially with the amount of praise I've seen on this trigger. Have seen quite a few people mention it, but I'm more likely to Believe it has something to do with user error
bobby_larue Hahaha ghastley triggers 😂 troll level 💯 🙌🔥 Keep up the good work legend!
Do you have any idea when you'll have nore 1 stage triggers in stock?
greg_delaney Are you going to put out a statement like Geissele saying they won't follow vaccine mandate orders from sleepy joe? I'd like to think you two are somewhat friendly. At least in these times, I'd really hope all you major companies are coming together to use whatever resources available to defend the People's rights.
  -  laruetactical @greg_delaney ... Did you watch the "Guns & Gadgets" video ?
  -  greg_delaney @laruetactical no sir, where at?
  -  laruetactical @greg_delaney ... Use your head
  -  eldon_243 @laruetactical so you gonna put out a statement?
  -  laruetactical @eldon_243 ... My firm wasn't in the video
  -  greg_delaney @laruetactical ok, what video? Looks like that YouTube channel has a lot. Never even heard of the channel.
  -  eldon_243 @laruetactical didn't say it was. Asking if you'll make a statement to show you won't follow and mandates.
  -  laruetactical @eldon_243 ... We'll see 1 like
nocornerman I fucked up and didn't know there was even a mbt sale I check the site too late and theyre all sold out 😮 the single stage at least 🙁
  -  foundersphotography_idaho @nocornerman you and me both! 1 like
  -  nocornerman @foundersphotography_idaho I gotta make a support group lol
  -  foundersphotography_idaho @nocornerman I could use a kumbaya or two. 1 like
  -  nocornerman @foundersphotography_idaho 😂😂
  -  djcarthel @nocornerman yeah, they don't make the single stage anymore, but it's still on their website. 😑The 2 stage is an excellent trigger though. 1 like
  -  nocornerman @djcarthel this can't be! 😢 I'd get the 2s but I don't want a wall on my ar
  -  justadad1980 @nocornerman in a 1S trigger you're already at the wall. 1 like
  -  nocornerman @justadad1980 shit what did I mean to say.. I don't want any 'take up' I guess
  -  justadad1980 @nocornerman correct 1 like
  -  nocornerman @justadad1980 I caved and ordered the 2s after watching some videos of it 🔥
  -  justadad1980 @nocornerman I has a smooth take up, a clear wall and nice break. It's a great trigger and the price is very nice as well. Probably the easiest trigger I've installed. 1 like
gunnydelin1960 I'm sure it could have been more if people like me would have gotten an email, text notification or a snail mail heads up!!!
  -  laruetactical @gunnydelin1960 ... Bottom right corner of our website is the "Newsletter sign-up" button 🤷 4 likes
instructorbrian Hmm. Guess that means no SUURG shipments anytime this year. #14monthsandcounting
eric__yoder Make a 700 trigger please!! Then I won't need to buy one from them.
phmmedic All I can say is I absolutely love@my MBT. If you don't have one, or two, get one now. You won't regret it!!
johnylompoc Who? Never heard of em. Only two good triggers made for the real deal. This one and
aspeed786 @laruetactical are you going to be doing any more of the single stage triggers. I prefer my MBT-2S's over the SSA, but I like a single stage, something to Ke on the SD3G??
cletus.james.walker Ghastleys ? Haha, that's funny..... He is proud of them. You should send him one of yours to try out.
willsmashu Geissele is overrated
brax43521 G can suck it