... And 18" 7.62 PredatAR Serial #xx531 looks like another 3/8" too 🤷 If I gotta take this A2 Flashhider on a pencil barrel recoil beating, y'all gotta at least look at the groups 🎯 ML
580 likes7fabracing What ammo of choice @laruetactical 1 like
  -  laruetactical @7fabracing ... This is Federal Gold Medal Match 168 gr 2 likes
  -  esqphoto @laruetactical - Optimal word: gold - because what it's worth. Good shooting!
josh.macintyre Now that is tits! 👏
mehul_kamdar Superb accuracy and shooting as well! Bravo!
peter.noowin There was a picture on Reddit of a LaRue Tactical rifle with a Geissele trigger installed in it. Blasphemy right?? 3 likes
  -  chumbief @peter.noowin link?
  -  laruetactical @peter.noowin ... Guys bring their early LaRue rifles to our Armorer's class, and they make a perfect visual aid as to what "creep" is and feels like. 😎 14 likes
  -  dattboii_803 @laruetactical tell me more people preach about them but to me I don't feel like their " the one"
  -  laruetactical @dattboii_803 ... Drink more coffee and tighten up your posts 1 like
  -  tom_rakip @peter.noowin I have a pre-MBT that had a Geissele...but it had a MBT now...
glock10mm17 DAMN IT!!!! Mine is a 16" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
kodiak_precision You have skills as does your equipment! Just saying!!