... Unconfirmed - we have been told that we here at LaRue are the largest buyer of Constitutions - again, unconfirmed 🗽ML
1,702 likesreluctant_hobby_farmer I have one of yours on my shelf. Thank you!
e_footey Loved that and the rub that came with my mount and red dot
gandtoutfitters We always hand em out to our clients but are about our as well.
reandobbins Rooftopdefense has you guys beat with pocket constitutions and a bag of ramen noodles 🤣 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @reandobbins ... Like I said, the more the merrier 💃 4 likes
  -  jasonleee09 @reandobbins it's all about that top ramen 🤣🤣 1 like
  -  reandobbins @laruetactical the bottle opener you sent with my trigger around last Christmas is top notch 👌 1 like
leedyarmory I got one of those with my @sonsoflibertygw rifle! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @leedyarmory ... That makes two of ya 😎 3 likes
a_delacalle3 @laruetactical I've got a leather bound Constitution and Constitutional Case Law book (which without, in 2021 you can't understand the Constitution — due to USSC rulings over the past almost 250 years). PS: I love your guns and am saving to get myself one. 😍
  -  a_delacalle3 @alvarodelacalle33 @laruetactical also, your name "LaRue"'is French for "LaCalle" (English for The Street).
bubbasnot I've probably receive 20 of those over the years and I give them to people at work. I thank you and they thank you.
jake_t_steve Big Tex has shipped over 100,000 now. How about y'all? 5 likes
wy.doc.holliday I love that you guys do this! And even more so... love that I got to meet ML in person @shotshow . Till next time Sir.
thealmightyholland I have a copy of this in my work bag and truck. You will be surprised when this little book has come in handy. Thanks Mark!
metallicasma Bought an UU kit, a lower, a t-shirt, a baseball cap, 10 pack of "extremely deplorable" bumper stickers to piss off the libs, but I ain't get no free pocket constitution from y'all 😔
him72984 The owners manual.
the_sultan_of_sausage I've received one with every order as long as I can remember. At least 10 years now. us 1 like
charliesclones Probably, since our Government schools do not teach the Constitution. Our President said "We the People" is the government 🤔
cotyshores Every American should read it 5 times in grade school and then once a year after that
oneasteriskindustries 🔥🎯
six_zebra_eight Love it ! thank you Mark.... 🧡us🧡
jnbain I bought a bunch a while back and I hand them out to everybody I know and don't know. But my favorite one is the one I gave my brother that he kept in his car that's all folded up and earmarked and everything like that and is the favorite thing I have of my brother now that he's passed away besides pictures 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @jnbain ... Thanks for spreading the story, and condolences for the loss of your fine brother. It seems as if 95% of Americans think The Constitution is some fable they heard about in elementary school. 5 likes
pmmccarthy70 Pretty sure Hillsdale College hands out more
  -  laruetactical @pmmccarthy70 ... And I'm pretty sure you make me want to oil the hair-trigger ban button 😎 4 likes
  -  pmmccarthy70 @laruetactical c'mon not ball busting, you're still doing God's work.
drewster_001_ I carry mine in my truck always! It was a really cool surprise when I opened my 6.5 UU kit 😎
bigaggiemike I've got my pocket constitution and the hat in the picture, which is one of my favorites by the way! Thanks! Keep on keepin' on!
olinbond5 Send a hat too
dzapper7 Tell me about it. I was cleaning up all of the junk on my office last night and must have run across a half dozen of them.
tomasnumerouno Carry mine as proof of my right to carry
kodiak_precision That's awesome, and I pass your generosity on as well. Reading it is a must by all.
connelldad I have received, then given out, many of them. Now that's a "redistribution" I can get behind! Thank you for including them with my orders Mark.
jkedsnake I kept one for myself, one for my truck and I spread the rest around likenthe gospel!
mergatroyd @laruetactical when my grandma passed last year, one of the items she left each grandkid was one of these pocket Constitutions!
sub_machine_1 👏👏👍💪usI just got another one from you today with my LT135
jayrileyj I dont know.... I think big tex has you beat by quite a bit. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @jayrileyj ... BigTex, whoever they are, is about 15 years of shipping shitloads per day behind me. 2 likes
  -  jayrileyj @laruetactical I'd be interested in seeing the real lifetime order numbers. I know I have at least 7-8 constitutions from BTO. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jayrileyj ... Imitation is the best form of flattery ... and the more the merrier. 1 like
  -  therealikestephens @laruetactical you have a headstart on us but our orders ship the same day so our constitutions actually make it out the door instead of being on indefinite backorder. 16 likes
  -  therealikestephens @laruetactical however, I'll freely admit that we borrowed the idea from you. I've been getting constitutions, dillo dust and bottle openers for over a decade. 7 likes
  -  laruetactical @therealikestephens ... You're a helluva shot when shooting yourself in the dick. 5 likes
  -  thecodystone @therealikestephens shipping products as a middle man versus a manufacturer is comparing apples to oranges. Make a billet pocket constitution and I'll be impressed.
  -  theflyinghouse @therealikestephens The next step is to make a BTO-2S crispy trigger for us 🍻🍻🍻
robbiedavis23 Didn't really get it 10 plus years ago when I started buying your products. Flash forward and it's the best swag one can possibly get.
mr.yoshio.hirata.j Of the multiple dozens of retailers I buy from only @laruetactical has included pocket constitutions in packages. 👏👏👏
joewbyrd You should send a copy out with all of the new NOLO dillo orders.
corylehew Any idea when triggers will be shipped? Ordered mine in March and I'm gettin antsy! Haha 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @corylehew ... Triggers shipping everyday 1 like
  -  corylehew @laruetactical hopefully it will be soon I'm stoked!
steveroeactual I carry the one I got from my Larue purchase in my travel bag. Anytime I am away from home, I have it with me and have pulled it out on many occasions to show people what the constitution says when they needed a little schooling.
a556nato I keep one in every vehicle I have
meikol2 I keep mine in my desk at the office. Easier to have at the ready, versus the large copy at the house. Thank you sir 2 likes
jmhill_2469 My other Larue order shipped out today. How effin sweet!
poseyk01 Thanks for my copy!
edc.247 Keep them coming ML @laruetactical
alwaysaneasyday Believable and awesome us
michael_wilkes Well, it sure as shit not going to be the government
unopposable_thumbs These are outstanding. I have passed them on to many appreciative friends and family. us
miniuteman_model_works I have mine near the computer to do battle with snowflakes who make outrageous claims about what the Constitution says
m14lvr I think Ive got at least 5 from you.
alatimandan Badass that you are but I wish more companies upheld the same values
markspring1978 Good for LaRue. Keep spreading the words of freedom.
unumetsuperare I've got about 8-10 of those from LT lying around the house.
peter.noowin Mr. LaRue, without the 2nd amendment we wouldn't have the other 26. 4 likes
cameronsdean I think @bigtexordnance has you beat 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @cameronsdean ... Ha, but it is good they are trying to catch me. 4 likes
  -  ian_frombigtexordnance @laruetactical I ordered 8k 3 weeks ago! What kinda numbers are you putting up??! 2 likes
  -  b20beast @ianfrombigtexordnance @laruetactical y'all arguing like lil kids bout how many books you can sell 😂😂😂 1 like
  -  ian_frombigtexordnance @b20beast Not just books!! It's Freedom!!
mac_daddy62 I gave one to every person in my family 👍 The kids were especially surprised at what they didn't know
concept_grey 🙌🙌
roman_gsm_ I need some more armadillo dust 1 like
stukahuna Mahalo for my copy sir.
kcjengr 👏👏👏us
charles_helm I distribute my extras. Always appreciated. 2 likes
billy.higgins.77 🤚🏽I have 2 copies provided by the Armadillo Association. My kids and I, thank you.
low_regs Always appreciated
thespacecowboy4 I wouldn't doubt it, still have mine on my sun visor since 2015! 1 like
condino86 It's great that you send those and thanks
merpaholic You're right below the Biden admin, which just buys them to burn them 5 likes