... crow recipes on our website 😎
320 likesescottp My MBT-2Ss speak for themselves. Hard to hate something that works so well and makes your mouth water 😮
esqphoto Makes no sense to me. What's to hate? Well made products, consistent accuracy, good customer service, Dillo dust? I mean, really don't get it. 2 likes
raider214 I'll admit I knew nothing about the company until a videogame:Medal of Honor Warfighter came out and featured your OBR. A love affair was born almost immediately
arizona_twelve_sixtysix Eh. Typical herd mentality on forums and fb groups "you have to hate what I hate". I remember the arfcom crap. Yeah. Those were the days. 3 likes
thors_mustache The quote "You get what you pay for." Is 100% legitimate when it comes to LaRue! By far the best rifle in my opinion. 2 likes
radiac_svcs This quote can be attributed to the ground hog I just turned into pink mist with my OBR. Emphasis on was. 1 like
bill9mill I read some years back in a Readers Digest book... "People tell on themselves." And it went in to list all the ways we tell on ourselves. -Very insightful... Personally I think the haters need to just appreciate their Geo Metro, Camaro, Mustang or Corvette instead of hating on a Ferrari 😉
ashton278 Why would anyone hate LaRue? 2 likes
jay_sin186 Going to trade in my Daniel defense for a LaRue.
michaelkondratko How can anyone hate Larue??????? 1 like
darylbarker65 "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful." M.L. 😎
spoonmann8 I don't understand how that could be possible. 🤔
rogereckstine Whiskey Tango Foxtrot