... Needed something to test my scale. One pound = 7,000 grains / 140g = 50. I counted out 50 of Berger's 140 grainers, set the TARE on my paper bowl and tossed the 50 bullets in - shazam - dead nuts on = 1.000 pound 💪 Miracles never cease 😎 ML
321 likesbillsnearly Breakfast of champions! 1 like
dune_shoot Who calibrates your scales?
  -  laruetactical @dune_shoot ... I just did ... it's for counting doo-dads ... and it does that just fine. 5 likes
jaxosaurusrex Are those pulled?
  -  laruetactical @jaxosaurusrex ... Yes
henry_bruns Berger makes nice projectiles.