... Skynet may be hot on my heels ... new followers have slowed to a crawl. If you comment, don't type any of the words Skynet finds offensive ... I'm just trying to get a decent idea if this arena has lost it's umph and I need to move on. Thanks in advance for the help and thanks for following me before I got potentially branded as their enemy 💀 ML
3,810 likesmayorofriverbluffrd I get posts from you daily. I enjoy them.
usmcgunnz 💪🏽
teddyag02 I see you
christopher_miller ATF.ai bot entering the chat ⚡
dynamicsofpew "Something politically correct"
_esstac Welcome to the club of being shadow banned. It's bullshit, but hard-core fans will still find you and see your posts. 4 likes
thetributejeep Freedom
russopmk10 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾
smelliottshaw Socil media has gotten big enough as a socitial influencer that it should have to follow the constitutional rights of citizens.
cskittles69 Yup
tom.woodard Social media or not, your products speak for themselves. People will still find you.
justin5579 I see your posts regularly
jacob_beach55 Still getting your updates on your gardening techniques!! The diversity of your seed collection is impressive! Keep it up!
got_moneymark Reddit ?
fyrfytrs.wife 🙌👏us 🙏🖤
csolstice032018 Off topic but are 18" tar barrels retired or just on vacation?
direct.impingement Read you Lima Charlie
03shitbox I c u
richphillips541 I'm with you sir. 1 like
lts_tactical Commies...
hfuzzy_boomer Gab & Rumble
voodoosurvivor Definitely noticed less content from you. I'd say that I've never seen anything controversial in your posts, but I guess I haven't seen your posts.
voodoosurvivor And btw, skynet is probably already on your heels. Google "slaughter bots movie" and follow the link to the yt video posted by the "Future of Life Institute". The video is fictional, but there's a lot of "stuff" going on. I'd share, but then I'd be shadow banned. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @voodoosurvivor ... So, are they making a list of anybody that looks at that video 🤷
  -  voodoosurvivor @laruetactical ?I'm sorry sir, it seems that you have me mistaken for someone else.
michael.gill.1968 All is well
roadapplesforge Roger, out.
jeptha556 Helurrrrr
jp93274 Might go against the Departments "New Social Media Policy, but enough of this ... Feels like China not America
orion_outdoorsman I got ya
xstein21 Huge fan of your art! Keep your creations going!
chrisadcock1 Count me in!
mako_shark07 Boo-Ya🙂
james_siler 👍👍clus
jeff_vandewater 🔫
brax43521 us
bordeth Stay the course ML. Don't let off.
leafonthewind101 🙌
j0bawl I come here for the top notch chicken farming wisdom.
  -  laruetactical @j0bawl ... I strive to keep it somewhat interesting 🤷 2 likes
scorregio still here following all the way from ny
2a_geardeals My MBT-2S's are here to say howdy-do, we're here. Personally, I still see your stuff show up. Others however, I have to seek it out.
rickporterkc Together we will prevail. Your posts started to disappear after I read all the Billions posts, figured it was connected. They hate us, and I mean hate.
spawn334 Still seeing ya..
oldbreed.1963 👍
mikefrieden Bro, you make some of the best ARs on the planet, but you sound like you're on meth. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mikefrieden ... "projection - refers to unconsciously taking unwanted emotions or traits you don't like about yourself and attributing them to someone else." 4 likes
  -  silmy45 @laruetactical he should be thanking you for being a gentleman in your reply. My momma didnt raise a gentleman 1 like
sarcasmk1ng LETS GOOOOOO
zdaltontn Checking in from East Tenn 😉
billsnearly I think some cranky old dude has hacked your account. Keep being you! 👏
azlatrans Doughnut holes at 200 yards, only with LaRue!
my_old_kentucky_homeboy Doesn't surprise me
charliesclones What I see happening to many gun industry posts, are the hashtags are getting muted or shadow banned, so only your followers will be able to see
jkbewley I see your stuff regularly
whiskee_charlie Rarely see your posts the day they are made. I usually see them a few days late
gunmaniausa 🙌
a_gratzer 👊🏼
whitten.seth Counted
2011yoda How long do we let this continue? 1 like
michoelleopold I like that we share the same initials (hope that's plain enough)
mauckcg Still here. At least till the transitioning "woman" at work gets me fired. 😂
watermark78 I got shadowbanned a while back, and everything slowed to a crawl for me as well. It just means that pretty much the only way people will find you is to actively seek you out. Not the end of the world for a brand as strong as yours.
boodaluvz556 It happened to me awhile ago. Went from 1k a photo to lucky to get a couple hundred...33k followers down to 27k. Eh, I'm over IG and don't really post much these days. I'm just here to stay for info in blaster stuff. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @boodaluvz556 ... How did your follower count go down by 6K ? If you don't get seen, you can't be bugging a follower enough to drop you 🤷 1 like
  -  boodaluvz556 @laruetactical good point....idk. just an observation.
james_breig Love what you do Mark!
directionofforce 😡
venniro16 Just ordered a 224 Valkyrie ultimate upper kit, do you also shoot those as well or do you only test the complete rifles?
sightsplusllc Here!
t4r_snow_tank us
pamurillo Saludos from C R Costa Rica
sreym_divad Copy.
worldwideblue172 Love your posts us
kirkcornett I have just started seeing your posts again in the last week. I thought you had already given up on this place. I really appreciate and enjoy your informative posts.
guisseppemw I see your posts more than I see some other manufacturers.
joe.numbers I have no issues seeing your posts or searching for you.
joe.shelby88 Keep doing what you are doing. Patriots don't quit
sashcraft009 Lima charlie
cincyspqr Oh mylanta
frenchdip2 Guess I'm just one of the lucky ones, your posts show up pretty consistently. Keep 'em coming, they are enjoyed on this end.👍
exarchyholsters We've been shadowbanned almost since account creation. Reached out to IG several times, but no response. We don't even sell or advertise guns, although our posts are gun "adjacent". The plus side for you, is that I always see your posts in my feed, so at least they aren't blocking our interaction. Not true with most of my followers. They rarely see my posts and forget about trying to build a following getting shown to 1-2 people per post. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @exarchyholsters "Gun adjacent" ... damn. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @exarchyholsters ... Free - dom is in a real pickle 2 likes
  -  exarchyholsters @laruetactical lol
  -  dale.patterson.94 @exarchyholsters , I added your website to my home screen, I'll be visiting there, shortly. You've Got a Friend. 1 like
  -  exarchyholsters @dale.patterson.94 🙌🙌 let us know how we can help! 1 like
fully_semi_automatic hi Mark.
macas_corbui I see this one
james.mccurry.505 🖤
grizniz220 I enjoy your random accuracy reports and manufacturing insights of how the magic happens. Make a back-up. Stay the course. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @grizniz220 ... Trackin' ... thanks
awilliams30808 We got your 6 sir!
agw_fl Keep up the good work Mark and the rest of your team @laruetactical!
patriotvalley We have not moved appreciably in followers in about 18months
  -  laruetactical @patriotvalley ... That means that started before the election got underway in earnest 🧐 3 likes
  -  patriotvalley @laruetactical yep, right about the time they were preparing to unleash the scamdemic 3 likes
  -  levinsmithenhouzen @patriotvalley I gotch. At least with one new follower lmao 1 like
  -  patriotvalley @levinsmithenhouzen 🙌 1 like
thepunisherproject_sc Trying to grow on Instagram is next to impossible without studying how to grow. It's constantly changing and takes a lot of time.
  -  laruetactical @thepunisherproject_sc ... I don't care to grow, but I do care to know if they lassoed me and drug me up the bank. 4 likes
  -  thepunisherproject_sc @laruetactical I interact with your stuff so I see your stuff
apcapt F'm and feed them fish...Carry on ML
reconsniperfoundation @laruetactical They do this to us regularly. Since we've been posting the annual Memorial Day commemorative posts honoring our fallen Recon Marines, Scout Snipers, and Recon Corpsman, we've lost a few thousand followers and had numerous previous posts pulled down for "violating community guidelines." SKYNET is not our friend. 4 likes
hagbtx I show up for the interesting farm life tricks like using corn feed and wild hogs to clear paths. They don't teach that back home
hunter_maxey21 🔥
nathankimbro I don't dare speculate on how skynet works but i have noticed that by browsing instagram feed in a web browser on my device the ads seem to have stopped completely. I also believe it shows everyone's posts now. The algorithms in the apps work differently and allows skynet to target you better. Ie measure the time spent viewiing an image even if you dont click like on it.
sweg_77_ Keep up the good fight cover them chickens 😂
ghostofwalker I will continue to follow this quality content wherever it may land!
gp_shooting I still love to see your posts and I still love to see your posts and updates from you place. Both work and the farm. I hope you stick around.👍
guay.ron 🙋🏾
dandrews_sd ✅✅ I appreciate you. I'll keep in touch regardless of platform.
f1504rad They are shadow banning all kinds of people. It is hard to even search for people i follow. Have to put in the full name exactly as it is or it won't show up. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @f1504rad ... Somebody recently posted he had to do exactly that to get to me. 2 likes
  -  texan.right @laruetactical people getting their accounts deleted. I get the notice every week based on bogus classifications on old posts or comments.
  -  gearreport_caleb @f1504rad I've had that happen so many times. I actually had to go to the brands website and click their direct to IG link.
helodriver1 I'm pretty sure I see your post, most anyway fellow Texan, power in numbers, keep the faith.
longfellowdeeds Your comments that hurt the weaks feelz are still coming in loud and clear.
jarrettmt See you. Hang in there!
legalarmsco I see all your posts
cotyshores I see a lot of your posts but don't know if I'm seeing all of them
mdrumscarter you show on my feed a lot.. i like all the pics but rarely comment... interesting huh?
atomic_death_chicken Simulation
jwknowsstuff Popped up on my regular feed
toddhogue Love your flowers and sweaters. Keep up the good work!
joshmlee 👏
duane_haug 👏
williamtieke Key Lime Pie !
mrfuji1897 Here
slariv9213 I think I see all your posts. 🤷
hankpierce27 Loud and clear boss
factoryblvck Stay the course #clownseverywhere
m.whitlock34 Please stay and continue to give us content on this platform.
john_t_fisherman I love my complete lower. Thank you for your dedication
7fabracing 💪us 💪
a_tolar Surprisingly, I'm finding many right side friends on tic tok these days. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @a_tolar ... Tic ToCommies are up to sumpin' 13 likes
thebzwofem12 I got you.
doallyado2 Read ya 5 x 5, sir
sanddart93 If SKYNET is listening, they can kiss my arse. You will not be alone 1 like
brad.casteel Enjoy your post daily!
itsadeadshame just put blm in your bio. problem solved 4 likes
txpanhandle When I open the app, yours is usually the first one I see.
raymondgunsmith It's happening to all of us. More and more every day now.
drunken_hookerr The chair is against the wall The chair is against the wall John has a long mustache John has a long mustache
akroadscholar ✅
arhymer362 Like the machining vids ..
dtwaxdownzero Roll call? Present 🙌
meikol2 I see post regularly
yeah_trout_that here
patrick.a.johnson314 Everything shows up for me. I guess I am not on enough lists.
kernsy71 My phone wakes me up every time you make a post!
ethanread123 #gun #covid #freedom #ar15 #ammo #Trump
coolantman_mark All clear, here!
byrontabor Obama and Biden are the best presidents ever!!! That should make the commie bastards happy! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @byrontabor ... What you did there 👀 1 like
  -  byrontabor @laruetactical follow me for more IG helpful hints! 😂😂😂
predator.tx I enjoy your Texan friendly content 4 likes
fasterdadfaster Ooof. Off the meds? This reminds me I need to unfollow. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @fasterdadfaster ... I'll help you with that in 5 minutes 12 likes
  -  laruetactical @fasterdadfaster ... I looked at your page - wow, you're following 5,700 other accounts ... sure sign of an assigned bot 🧐 14 likes
  -  58driver @fasterdadfaster Bye! 👋
  -  doallyado2 @laruetactical We are 1000% sure douche canoe (fasterdadfaster) will not be missed at all.
  -  fasterdadfaster @laruetactical "assigned bot"? Dude time to return to reality. No one is out to get you -- except your schizophrenia.
stillsaltyaf_ Hello, how are you? Lovely weather weekend 👏
dependasaurusvet You're still reaching your audience...for now 2 likes
rampant2019 What would be offensive to the leftist turd eating big tech loving military and law enforcement hating monsters of our planet who are trying to turn the usA into a 3rd world country? #morebullets #notsorry😮
  -  rampant2019 @rampant2019 I too get your posts daily.
charles_helm Present
erich.reneau I've noticed on certain posts that when I go to click on the comments to read through that many of the comments don't show up. There is certainly some censorship going on. You don't show up on my feed as often anymore, either. I have to search your page. 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @erich.reneau .. Interesting, thanks for the briefing. ML 2 likes
  -  __norights Honestly I think it's just maintenance
  -  1rblank I've noticed the same but all across insta and fb. I may be wrong but pretty sure people can set their comments to be public or not
  -  nickwheadon @laruetactical I'm a new follower and your stuff shows up pretty frequently...
jibra_il_79 👍
gordonfactor The 🌎 is run by 🤡🤦 3 likes
svargas41 I see these post daily.
gmwhiteguy Ha, I'm like # 223!!
mskategordon 🖤 1 like
han_brolo_760 I get your posts every day. 4 likes
  -  patrick.a.johnson314 @han_brolo_760 Me too
shartgraves I see 'em and look forward to them all. Although lately @gardening_by_the_ton has been getting a good bit of my attention... 😂 1 like
  -  laruetactical @shartgraves ... Growing your chow is just as important as finding and shooting your chow. 🦌 5 likes
  -  shartgraves @laruetactical The guy is a legit master of his craft.
  -  laruetactical @shartgraves ... He damn sure is and smart as a whip too
  -  laruetactical @laruetactical ... And a helluva STOL pilot.
  -  stevenmcclay6921 @laruetactical I'm leaving for South Africa tomorrow. Not taking my Larue thunderstick but I will wear the hat. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @stevenmcclay6921 ... Get some. Bennie Cooley won a World Sniper Comp there years ago using a LaRue Thunderstick. He let me in on a secret - said don't stomp your gun down into a tight case cause it warps everything enough overnight to put you in the middle of the pack instead of first place. Said he leans the rifle almost vertical the whole time during the shoot when not shooting it. There, you pried a pro-tip outta me. 5 likes
amylynnwv I see you over there 2 likes
marableharold Hey there