... And here's how the other 8 proof-grouped. Mostly I shot one (1) sighter, adjusted, then shot a 3-shot group (with no burners). A couple of them flirted too much with an inch, so I reshot them. 8 of the 9 PredatAR rifles were 16"ers, and that first one was an 18"er. 9 rifles total. There's no reason to shoot pencil barrels as fast as I did, but dammit, I was short on time. 168 Federal Gold Medal Match, Nightforce, 100 yards 🎯 ML
486 likesseanklk DAMN!! 🔥🔥
jimmystoffer Dibs!!!
peter.noowin You show us all these amazingly accurate holes but how do we really know it's you and your hands creating them and not some NATO deathsquad master marksman sniper??? 1 like
- laruetactical @peter.noowin ... NATO has never sent an RFQ for a LaRue rifle. I must assume they don't have folks on the payroll that can utilize accuracy. 🤷 8 likes
bmayes425 I hope I can learn to operate mine like that when comes in the mail 👏👏
- laruetactical @bmayes425 ... It's got too nice a trigger to F it up. 1 like
800mzero Of the 5 Larue rifles I have owned my 7.62 pred was the most accurate....those light weight tubes can sling em into the same hole. 1 like
deviantmethodpins jealous!
day.man0 Getting psyched for my 7.62. I have a feeling my patients is about to pay off. I somehow doubt I will be able to make holes like that though. 👏👏👏 1 like