... Pat Rogers passed away 5 years ago today. This photo was taken after our shop's Pat Rogers Basic Carbine class on 11/12/2005. Fun fact - it was the tallest man's first day on the job as a LaRue employee. He got the trial by fire🔥, and yep, he's great and he's still here. It was a 1,000 round class and we all learned a lot. Unforgettable good times. RIP Pat .... ML
856 likesfrankc157 RIP
akscott60 Pat was the man. RIP
mikenotgonnagetit Pat Rogers was a great man.
flashbang.kd Learned a lot from Pat over the years.
charles_helm I only knew him from reading his posts but he was a character who had done it all. Couldn't believe it when he passed away. RIP. 1 like
just_another_reece First AR I purchased when I was 19 was a BCM recce 16inch from the factory, it came with his dvd and I believe Hayleys i learned a lottt from those 2 videos.
kdoepowers Imagine a 1k rd class in this climate... a guy can dream
tom_rakip He is greatly missed! One of the most personable people I've ever met. I posted about the passing of one of my dogs years ago and Pat was one of the first people to send me condolences.
kevin.goodman.543 I remember this photo.
vicktorvolpe I was on the nysrpa service rifle team with pat. I was a junior. He was a great man. So many stories 1 like
jdesterhouse I had the pleasure of going through his 2 week gun fighters course in 2005. Nothing but love and respect for that man!!
cigarbarlayton Talk about a cool job!
cpl0313 Who has one of his famous "moose cock" patches? 1 like
  -  tn1822 @cpl0313 got 1 with oak leaf clusters. Pat still let me "graduate". lol. it was a great class. 1 like
230grainhardball We remain diminished.