... They are making me proof-group rifles again. Looks like 7.62 PredatARs. No need to wish me luck ... ML
1,041 likescam_scott89 Are the Stealth 2.0 uppers and hand guards shipping regularly too? Hoping to get mine soon!
laruetactical Quiet on the set. I'm shootin' 😎 8 likes
sarcasmk1ng Lets GOOOOO
seanc6971 If you were only closer to Fredericksburg.....
jdg0707 What a life. Ordering mine today! 1 like
rampant2019 Do yall have 18 in 223 wylde uppers as a dmr?
normanpig Any of those going out in UU kits possibly? Or just completes?
  -  laruetactical @normanpig ... Completes 2 likes
normanpig So close yet so far! Thanks for the response. Any guess on the UU's?
murdock_mcinnis How do I get a rifle or UU kit from you guys in any color other than black?
  -  laruetactical @murdock_mcinnis ... You don't during the ECR Gun Rush - Election Cuovid & Riots 3 likes
te0051 Have fun!
mstilley14 PredatAR's......getting closer to OBR's?? @laruetactical 1 like