... First one up is a shooter. To sight-in, I aimed at the intersection of all 4 paper targets. The first round hit right over that crow's head. I then dialed 5" right and 1.5" up and shot at top left target. 1st two rounds were touching and 3rd made it a 0.650" group. Next. ML
714 likessing_chay 🔥 Love your quality. Question...Mark, is there a big difference in distance loss from an 18 inch to a 20 inch 7.62 x 51 barrel? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @sing_chay ... Not in my 100 yard underground tunnel. 6 likes
  -  captnjack @sing_chay please just Google. So much information out there.. 5 likes
  -  man_in_gunderland @sing_chay my larue ultimate upper kit 7.62x51 rifle with a 16" barrel was pinging the 3 MOA targets at 1000 yards consistently with FGMM 175gr 1 like
  -  sing_chay @captnjack I did and I also wanted to get some more confirmation from others as well.
  -  sing_chay @laruetactical ha! Thanks 😂
  -  captnjack @sing_chay just get whatever looks cooler, and pick up a copy of Applied Ballistics by Bryan Litz. 1 like
  -  sing_chay @captnjack 😂. First rule is it's gotta look cool. I'll make sure to look into that book. Thanks for the feedback.
  -  us3rnamecannotb33mpty @laruetactical how much does a 100y underground tunnel run these days? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @us3rnamecannotb33mpty ... Dunno, made that one a decade or more ago. 1 like
drfrenchjr I think that one is defective, you should send it & ammo to me for further testing!!!
awilliams30808 I have thoroughly enjoyed following ypu these past few weeks. The fact you are still hands on with your products is what truly sets you apart from others who have played this game for the same amount of time you have. I am truly impressed. I do not own a single piece of product from your company (never could afford it until recently) but will gladly promote your products just from what I have seen from you these past few weeks. Carry on sir and enjoy your success.
  -  laruetactical @awilliams30808 ... Ah hell, I'm just hoggin' the shootin'😎 4 likes