... Huh ?
4,055 likescoreypeterson59 @govcox take note! Utah needs to step up as a 2A sanctuary state and leader. There are at least 3 suppressor companies in Utah that similar legislation in Utah could help! @oss_suppressors @silencerco @deadairsilencers 1 like
dirkdigglern95 Larue upper kits options are all gone... 😢 getting more backlogged by the day. Better get in line folks...
  -  laruetactical @dirkdigglern95 ... But by God they will all shoot ragged holes. Nobody is putting out the volumes of braggable accuracy rifles we are - nobody 🎯💯🎯 4 likes
matthewmccrane Verified Mark, do you have a mlok bipod mount?
  -  laruetactical @matthewmccrane ... Yeah, it's call a 3" piece of M-Lok Picatinny to put my Harris / LaRue bipod on with. 2 likes
  -  matthewmccrane Verified @laruetactical haha fair enough
robert.swope Texas needs to do what states with legal recreational weed did and just have everybody and their mother set up a manufacturing plant and shop the day it becomes law so the ATF can't catch us all.
customdefensefirearms @laruetactical agreed. No matter how many times I've read it, i get more confused. Too broad/vague
  -  laruetactical @customdefensefirearms ... That might be the new gimmick ... appease the masses with lawyer tricks🤷 1 like
  -  customdefensefirearms @laruetactical indeed. Only the ones meant to, will make it.
andymenzl About time
browninghigherpower Now, if only there were some good suppressor manufacturers in Texas.
andrew_.223 The larue is shadow banned, I didnt you you guys were on instagram until I saw a screenshot of a post. I had to search the name exactly to find it, even with mutual followers
  -  laruetactical @andrew_.223 ... I've suspected that for awhile, my "new follower" numbers have slowed to a walk. ML
  -  andrew_.223 @laruetactical very sad.
  -  laruetactical @andrew_.223 ... 🤷 I knew I was playing with 🔥 1 like
viking762556 Will y'all start making some? 😈
wbrom42 I'd like to buy a few suppressors. Can I swing by next Tuesday?
doctersandman Will the TranQuilo qualify as "Texas Made" vis a vis the new legislation?
  -  laruetactical @doctersandman ... Since it says made in Leander, Texas on it already ... of course. 1 like
eadie.steve So I can buy one otc in Texas? Cool!
lonestar_hunting1 Looks like you gotta get into the CAN business
gwerkin88 So I can buy one in KS and not have to wait 9 months now?
furorem419 It's a nice gesture but the second the Feds withdrawal funding for infrastructure and education they'll cave.
chlv0ter 💪🏼💪🏼us💪🏼💪🏼
poseyk01 Don't get too far ahead.. they put in a clause that it needs federal judicial review. That's about as likely to get positive federal review as Megan Fox is likely to ask me out on a date.
roo_faloof Omg is this real😍
ntxcamo LaRue is going to need a bigger shop
collinthomp @aogrady22 1 like
  -  aogrady22 @collinthomp giddy up!!
g_tobias87 Gimmie one of everything 😂😂
bo210sox I need one!!!
hibrass13 Can they be exported to Alabama ?
the_other_marley_marl Montana did this years back, they blinked when the feds withheld funds for infrastructure projects. Hopefully Texas stands 💪
christopher_miller ATF dogs will be able to smell whether or not they we're actually made in Texas. 🏴💀
rooster_cogburn87 So federal patents don't count right? Tranquillo for socom adapters??
  -  laruetactical @rooster_cogburn87 ... Funny you say that .... the lack of reliable seal on the socom adapter drove me to make the Tranquilo. I needed a predictable, leak-free system. 14 likes
  -  alpha_phil15 @laruetactical I mean really. As much love as the SOCOM gets, it sure has an antiquated mounting system.
j.w.ne Didn't Kansas try this and have big issues?
surrfdaddy No freaking way, that awesome
surrfdaddy Can I order two NOW??? 🙌🔥
gmrmedina its beautiful
mikenotgonnagetit This legislative session has really made me proud to be a Texan. Ill now be owning me some more LaRue stuff 😍
kearly37 No company is gonna touch this lol. Solvent trap sales will take off though
joburn21 soooooo..."hypothetically" a person in texas can make and ship a suppressor to another state using a non federal mail carrier?
  -  joburn21 or someone could go to texas to purchase one and leave the state because they didnt have to do a 4473 or follow any nfa rules whilst in texas
joewarner6336 When can I bring my "lube trap" out of the closet?
modest_omega Still has to pass Federal Courts though. So there's that
donbsd Now I REALLY want more stuff from @laruetactical
vincedoane You all gonna be the first test case?
benjaminristow Kansas did this a few years back. Couple guys made their own suppressors without tax stamps. Got rammed by the justice system. Judge ruled that federal government had supremacy here.
patriotvalley I'm curious who wants to be the legal test case for this one... 7 likes
thedengus So I can pick my suppressor up tomorrow then? @laruetactical
fastflores This is why I love @laruetactical 🧡
erich.reneau I'll be keeping an eye out to see when this goes through the federal courts... hope people read more than just the headlines and don't get themselves in trouble with oil filters.
kinetic_defense_tx Seems you may have an edge in that department
sorenstone FUCK YES! I'm moving back to Texas, lmao.
n8dallas This bill does not do what you think it does...
toki_tx It passed? Someone at work was telling me about this on monday. I forgot to look into it.
kmoseusmc @dickerson9334
yasec.life Worked for pot. 🤷
bernslow Wonder if this applies to NY? 😂 asking for a friend
dire_armory So im assuming this will only work in Texas. If you leave the state the federal laws would still apply
andrewmconrad So in Texas, Texas made supressors, are exempt from NFA bullshit?
garretevans17 Kansas tried it. Doesn't work. You'll still go to the federal pen.
jonny_popper67 Kansas has the same law. I guy I know in my town went to jail for following Kansas law and not federal law. That being said I think Texas has better judges then Kansas and the climate is better with all the states that are legalizing weed.
  -  crazycruzer78 @jonny_popper67 you'd be surprised... one would think rexas was pro-2A, but, it is still like pulling teeth to get things done. Our politicians are just as corrupt as other states. 1 like
  -  jonny_popper67 @crazycruzer78 basically it's a tax stamp that's how they avoid the 2nd amendment as it is. So they basically get your for tax fraud.
iancrew_ @gcavarretta 👀 1 like
  -  gcavarretta @iancrew_ Oh I'm watching this. Larue is set up in the city below us! Another point to get you guys out here!
jaredt_ctx When the bill passes...will LaRue start selling to individuals or not.
ray.p.booker I knew this would come hey if states can ( legalized weed ) which is federally illegal why not this good for Texas.
grassblade23 Man, I don't want to be yet another Californian moving to Texas, but this makes it mighty tempting. 3 likes
  -  swampfox_imposter @grassblade23 as long as you are right wing it's not so bad 1 like
johnnybwildered Will LaRue be taking part once they've hashed it out in federal court? 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @johnnybwildered ... Welp, we'll need the "Made In Texas" engraving specs👀🧐 118 likes
  -  el.gallo.negro1 @laruetactical shoot, love LaRue but as the norm wait times are insane. Hate to see how long one would have to wait for one of these. 1 like
  -  johnnybwildered Removing a certain amount of regulatory red tape may ease this. 1 like
  -  jasonk7474 @laruetactical kansas tried this and a couple guys doing long stretches over it..... 2 likes
  -  johnnybwildered @jasonk7474 they didn't have the made in, stays in aspect. The problem is it crossed state lines, legitimately making it interstate commerce and within the federal regulation. Without it being interstate commerce the state law supersedes. 2 likes
  -  jasonk7474 @johnnybwildered The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Shane Cox and Jeremy Kettler's challenges to their federal convictions under the National Firearms Act. In fact never left the state. The appellate court ruled federal law superseded state 1 like
  -  johnnybwildered @jasonk7474 they stated they didn't examine the constitutionality of the law. Our law requires a federal court to examine the constitutionality before manufacture and sale begins.
  -  texash17 @jasonk7474 Article VI Paragraph 2 is a hell of a drug.
  -  jasonk7474 @johnnybwildered it's a great test for state rights over federal. With the rapid expanding state passing legalization of marijuana with no federal intervention, this will be hard to argue against. 5 likes
  -  guess_70 @johnnybwildered no it was made in Kansas and it stayed in Kansas...they are not doing jail time they both got probation and about 450 bucks in fines
  -  jasonk7474 @guess_70 sounds like a conviction nonetheless. 1 like
  -  johnnybwildered @jasonk7474 we do have the safety net of a fed court reviewing it prior but ultimately they're not going to willingly give up authority even if they're supposed to. This is the same organization that torched Waco. And cousin to the DEA that raided hundreds of cannabis dispensaries in Cali post prop 215.
  -  laruetactical At - el gallo negro 1 ... As my dear ol' departed dad would say "You'd bitch if ya had your nuts hung in a gold vise" 7 likes
  -  el.gallo.negro1 @laruetactical lol
adamethridge Sweet so no tax stamp for the tranquilo or the surrg
bowtiedooley Seems like there might be a huge market kick off for LaRue suppressors 😏
fuzzwhat Time for a road trip🙌
limonatx @jessejohngarcia WHAT THE WHATSUS🔥💥🔥💥 1 like
alexh762x39 Hey y'all make suppressors right?? Might get ready to make a few more 🔥
elcucarachosmokers Yup. Hopefully it'll pass. Fingers crossed if states can legalize marijuana. This shouldn't be a problem as long as they stay in Texas. I don't see the problem with that. I never leave my country anyway.
jameszintgraff What are some Texas suppressor companies? Ready to support
thirtythree_three @laruetactical This has already been tried in Kansas. Net result? Manufacturer and purchaser ended up convicted on federal charges. Google "Cox and Kettler, Kansas, silencer" and it should get you headed in the right direction.
brass_daddy_tx Essentially this will go straight to court, but the argument that the 200 dollar tax is excessive is real, considering you can buy 22 cal supressors in the 200 dollar range
timothyfinks Awesome right 👏👏👏
free_state_gunner Kansas tried this years ago. Didn't work out well. 2 likes
  -  troy_from_tx @free_state_gunner it's a different appellate circuit so could go the other way 1 like
  -  free_state_gunner @troy_from_tx you volunteering to get arrested by the feds?
  -  troy_from_tx @free_state_gunner Texas requires it to get cleared in federal court before anyone can do it so...
chaddyb81 So when are you going to start manufacturing suppressors?
garryjohns0n I'll take the tranquilo now 😁 1 like
the_cole_burford Love my state 1 like
thedrew852 Just can't leave the state with it
thedrew852 Just can't leave the state with it 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @thedrew852 ... Takes two (2) days to leave the state in any direction, so that shouldn't be a problem 🤷 138 likes
  -  bemad101 @laruetactical How slow are you driving? Made it from McAllen Tx to Lubbock Tx in 15 hours. Hell, if these people in San Antonio were driving Delorean's on 410 they could go back to the future. 10 likes
  -  matthewgarett @bemad101 😂😂😂 you'll get ran off the road if you try to drive the speed limit on 410 or I-10 5 likes
  -  jefferysmith0124 @thedrew852 can't leave any state with one without filing the appropriate paperwork first 1 like
  -  thedrew852 @jefferysmith0124 that is a federal rule, clarifying to people that is still law even with this Texas change. It basically just removes the federal registration and tax. 2 likes
  -  bemad101 @matthewgarett got caught up in a wolf pack on 410. It takes me 20 minutes to get to and from work. I made it home in 10 min that day. We were going wicked fast. At one point we were well over 90 mph. I could not get out of the way, I was boxed in. It was scary and awesome at the same time.😬
  -  gator1517 @jefferysmith0124 Sure about that? I think suppressors don't fall under that clause. but the rest of NFA items do.
  -  thedrew852 @gator1517 you're talking about the notification clause. I'm talking about the entire NFA in general. The Texas law cannot apply outside of its borders, if you were caught outside of Texas with an unregistered NFA item then Texas law can't help you. Many states have introduced like bills over the last decade. It's like the marijuana laws in a generalized sense.
  -  the_sultan_of_sausage @thedrew852 why the fuck would we leave the state....wait...where do you live? 1 like
  -  gator1517 @thedrew852 OK, I see what you meant now. 👍🏻
  -  gator1517 @gator1517 I meant to reply to the post that said can't leave any state without notice. Notification isn't required for suppressors @jefferysmith0124 1 like
  -  bigdl72 @thedrew852 who want to leave texas anyways
big_red985 Welp looks like I am buying texas made supressors!
tsuhobbs Texas to Florida. Hold my beer. 1 like
lost_soul12151791 Nice! Let's go Tennessee 🤘
bad.airborne.day Free American's don't ask permission.
john_longan How can state that over ride fed? 1 like
  -  b.d.flow Have you ever heard of Marijuana? 5 likes
  -  john_longan @b.d.flow so if you go outside that state then your in violation or not sure what that looks like.
  -  john_longan @austin_5.56 are you being sarcastic, I was asking for clarification.
  -  sdotrivers It doesn't. There's a supremacy clause in the constitution. People that are putting weed & nfa items in the same category are idiots.
  -  tikitembo The 10th Amendment
  -  realmda13 @sdotrivers people love to be stupid!
  -  texas8652 @sdotrivers Let's see, Marijuana is a schedule 1 drug along with LSD, heroin, etc. and is completely ILLEGAL according to the feds. Suppressors are LEGAL federally as long as you pay the taxman. So, yes there is a difference one is legal and one is not. Why is it ok for states to disregard fed law over something that is illegal but not something that is legal? 1 like
  -  icveinz @sdotrivers Supremacy Clause only refers to the Constitution, one part of it is a states Constitution cannot over ride the Federal Constitution of the United States, but all gun laws are unconstitutional, therefore the Supremacy Law can't nor shouldn't beable to override state laws that uphold the Constitution of the United States by not stopping lawful citizens from exercising their God given rights.
  -  sdotrivers @icveinz solid reach, but that won't fly.
laru.e So when can I buy a tranquillo whisper pickle without federal handholding? 23 likes
  -  jerjustus @laru.e nope
  -  laru.e @jerjustus simple and to the point. I like it. 2 likes
  -  jerjustus @laru.e some people just don't understand how it works. This all don't mean nothing unless it's backed by the state. Example, state says ATF has no legal authority in such state. Any Federal agent will be charged etc. That's not going to happen. It's again another feel good, voter attraction. Especially since the governor was in hot water about the lock downs and border crisis etc etc. 12 likes
  -  jerjustus @laru.e And on top of that, Larue would lose all it licensing to manufacture firearms and FFL. And trust Mr. Larue isn't going to jeopardize his family and livelihood. 1 like
  -  j_tweezy @jerjustus the fact that anyone puts the border crisis on the governor of Texas tells me all I need to know about them 5 likes
  -  max.and.bonds.malinois @j_tweezy no shit, this guys in Ohio speaking for Texas... 3 likes
sparkyjok3r1911 Happened in kansas and 2 guys went to jail, to be fair they were dumbasses and posted it on facebook 2 likes
chrismcanally I'm looking forward to seeing how this progresses. Would be awesome. 3 likes
  -  ccmac_osu @chrismcanally my last two tranquilizer took longer to manufacture than to get the tax stamp, maybe @laruetactical will send direct to me now? Cuz I know I'm stupid and will order another full gun kit 1 like
  -  ccmac_osu @chrismcanally *tranquilos 1 like
stlonon HB957 1 like
thejdhill The idea being made in Texas, only for sale to Texas residents, there is no interstate commerce interest, therefore no federal jurisdiction... it doesn't hold up under current commerce clause jurisprudence, but the current jurisprudence is sketchy (though long standing), and the current federal laws are unconstitutional as we all know... it sets up legal challenges to both... though it is unclear if one needs to actually be arrested to establish standing, or if the threat of enforcement is enough (current standing doctrine is also garbage). 16 likes
  -  aptusdesigngroup @thejdhill there are multiple states with similar nullification laws. No one is willing to be the test case 3 likes
ronintactical_llc Looks like they're jumping ahead of Florida on who's more American 40 likes
  -  meatsweatsmike @ronintactical_llc Noteworthy: Arkansas has been constitutional carry for a few years now. 1 like
  -  ronintactical_llc @meatsweatsmike 🙌 2 likes
  -  foxtrot_seven @ronintactical_llc God bless Texas 1 like
  -  doherty7214 @ronintactical_llc it's like a bidding war on freedom ! 4 likes
  -  stevo361hunt @ronintactical_llc now this is a pissing contest I can get behind 3 likes
  -  ronintactical_llc @stevo361hunt The best kind of @rkelly 2 likes
  -  ronintactical_llc @doherty7214 were everybody wins until the other states send their people there to flip it like what happened to us here in Georgia 2 likes
  -  whiskee_charlie @ronintactical_llc now that's fucking funny. Underrated as fuck 1 like
  -  ronintactical_llc @whiskee_charlie 😉
magashawn1776 This isn't the law yet so I wouldn't start buying Texas made suppression devices just yet. It's set for a Constitutional review and it's likey to get very little traction as long as Joey is in the driver's seat. 1 like
johnbearross Do it. AFT be damned. 5 likes
  -  rodney482 @johnbearross 😂 1 like
occamdefensesolutions This is the law also in Idaho as I understand it. I know more people here w homemade cans than I know people with stamps!😂 11 likes
  -  roy_munson19 @occamdefensesolutions Utah and Montana both have it as well. The feds will go after you with the commerce clause is what I've been told. More people and states need to just tell the federal government to fuck off with their overreach. 3 likes
  -  occamdefensesolutions @roy_munson19 legit! Yeah I obviously don't do it (sot), but support the rights of those that do! 2 likes
lastnline75 People in Texas need to do research on this. Not understanding this is going to get alot of Texans felonies!
  -  troy_from_tx @lastnline75 it's already set for federal approval before it's implemented
  -  lastnline75 This bill does not stop the Feds from arresting you in the state of Texas for having a suppressor whether it be home made or store bought.
  -  troy_from_tx @lastnline75 like I said, a federal judge will have to say it's legal and outside federal law before anyone does it. Therefore either it becomes legal or no one will get the chance.... 1 like
  -  lastnline75 @troy_from_tx yes..thats what i was meaning. People need to understand that this has to go to court and get federal approval. Doesnt mean you can run out and buy one now..lol
pastorbrianf This is what economists will call a "Tranquilo Boom" in the future. 2 likes
juan.venado1911 I guess if Marijuana isn't a government problem suppressors shouldn't be either.... 8 likes
  -  holy_guacamole710 @juan.venado1911 not sure i see the connection there but nothing that you do or own should be any of their business if you're not harming other people. 4 likes
  -  juan.venado1911 @holy_guacamole710 should've said state choice not to enforce federal law. Agreed and amen! 4 likes
gavltron Well I ordered one from ya despite not know what the hell they mean
craigthomas4699 Didn't work well for Kansas.
camfieldryan That would be nice if it's true
sj__29.3013_n_94.7977_w 🧡🧡🧡🧡
nelsonwyattr So long as none of the components have traveled in interstate commerce 1 like
tx_liberty Better prepare for the influx of orders you're going to get when this gets signed into law! 5 likes
wbh1502 I'm hoping this promotes the Texas firearms industry, while encouraging out of state companies to petition their local governments to push back against ATF over reach... 2 likes
jamesoncbaker @laruetactical do we think the TranQuilo meets the definition of made in Texas. Has to be super restrictive (commerce clause and all). If so, expect that line to get long! Hahaha! 1 like
texash17 I love how this entire idea is predicated on assuming 218 years of settled law just does not exist. Somebody call Madison, another clown is attempting his argument. 13 likes
  -  laruetactical @texash17 ... We set our bag limits 🤷 20 likes
  -  texagonian_towers @texash17 🤡 2 likes
  -  doolittlelamar @laruetactical wasn't slavery legal and settled for quite a few years? Women were not legally allowed to vote or serve on juries, all legal and settled. Lots of stuff was settled, before it wasn't. 7 likes
  -  b.d.flow @texash17 like marijuana and other drugs legalized at the state level right? 9 likes
  -  rodney482 @texash17 Far from settled law
  -  charliestrickland93 @texash17 stop sucking up to the federal government. States rights need to be respected again 13 likes
  -  jwysokowski43 @doolittlelamar Um, except in those cases it was the federal government countermanding state policies. This is just a political clown show. 🤡
  -  jwysokowski43 @b.d.flow which don't override federal law. Just ask the DEA or ICE how that works.
  -  fullertonlad @jwysokowski43 Oh. So this is like marijuana and immigration laws in states that have legalized/decriminalized it? But marijuana just has a better PR campaign? 6 likes
  -  texash17 @fullertonlad Better PR and a general unwillingness to prosecute at the federal level. The states would also move heaven and Earth to defend the enormous revenue streams.
  -  texash17 @charliestrickland93 States don't have a right to say "the commerce clause doesn't apply because we said so". That's laughable.
Also the states willingly joined and are subject to the constitution. If you have a problem with that then propose an amendment and get it ratified.
Ill conceived state laws meant to spur a supreme court case are a waste of our taxes.
  -  laruetactical @texash17 ... Seeing as how 747s loaded with cash taxes were flown to Iran and handed over without a signature, I think we can stand a little chump change now and then 🤷 35 likes
  -  texas8652 @texash17 "willingly joined"? Tell that to the Confederates. Before all the sjws go off on me I am NOT supporting slavery in any way. Just pointing out that those states ceded from the union and were forced to rejoin. 1 like
  -  texash17 @texas8652 Please do articulate where in the Constitution of the United States of America it says you can secede without consent of the other states.
  -  texash17 @laruetactical Fraud waste and abuse is a hell of an argument in favor of more fraud waste and abuse.
  -  texash17 @laruetactical Also that was repaying their money after we reneged on an arms deal.
  -  jwysokowski43 @fullertonlad LOL! Pretty much! 🙌
  -  skibernie @texash17 Um - The Commerce clause only applies to inter-state, foreign, and on Indian reservations. It does not apply to intra-state commerce. 1 like
  -  texas8652 @texash17 I was merely pointing out the fallacy of the "willing" statement. The fact that it takes 3/4 of the nation's legislatures and both houses of congress to cede through constitutional means has nothing to do with desire (willigness) to remain. There is no way the northern states would have allowed there main source of materials for manufacturing to leave through the process. Never-the-less those states left and war commenced forcing the return. States are flaunting the fed laws (constitutional doctrine) by allowing the sale of a completely illegal schedule 1 drug. Suppressors are legal to own as long as you pay the taxman.
  -  texash17 @texas8652 Texas v. White 1868 is the relevant case. States willingly joined, and the confederacy is not legally recognized in any way shape or form. All the states chose to join at one point.
The Executive Branch not executing a law is an entirely separate issue than what these people are alleging.
  -  texash17 @skibernie the only leg they have to stand on is United States v. Alfonso D. Lopez, Jr. However since there's a transaction of money for a federally taxed item this has a snowball's chance in hell of working.
  -  charliestrickland93 @texash17 the commerce clause doesn't apply to things never leaving the state. The states willingly joined 250 years ago when the right to bear arms 'shall not be infringed'. And you're not allowed to leave. We have an Amendment that has been ratified, it's just been prevented by the Supreme Court in the last 100 years. If they are all a waste of time then how do you have changes to your precious federal system?
  -  texash17 @charliestrickland93 You don't have a single time frame correct in that entire post.
If you want to get rid of the NFA, then pass a federal law. The courts is a non-starter when the entire thing was held up multiple times in the preceding 87 years. Do it right or stop wasting our time.
State law does not buck the federal law.
  -  charliestrickland93 @texash17 it seems to be working just fine for the other side of the political aisle
  -  sean_ls7 @texash17 Except Texas was compelled back into the Union at the point of a bayonet. Laws/Constitutionality is basically decided based off of what is beneficial to the powers that be
  -  johnnybwildered @texash17 interested to wonder what the purpose you think the 10th amendment serves? Probably keeping foreign, out of touch, oppressive governments from presuming to know the will of locals without actually answering to them?
  -  fullertonlad @texash17 Ah...Please articulate where The United States Constitution says anything about a state's right (or not) to secede? I think you and the person you were replying to are both a little out of your league.
  -  texash17 @fullertonlad The preamble.
  -  fullertonlad @texash17 Which of those 52 words says anything about secession? Formation, sure. Secession...no. As case law mentioning the preamble goes, White v. Texas is about as weak as it gets in it reference to the preamble as an instructive text concerning secession. And there is not a lot else out there. What else you got?
  -  texash17 @fullertonlad "To form a more perfect union" in reference to the Articles of Confederation and contextualized with the Federalist Papers defines the United States of America and an indissoluble entity.
Article IV, Section. 3, Clause 1 is pretty explicit if you need the concept spelled out to you. Clause 2 expands on the concept.
There's no legally sound argument for secession.
  -  texas8652 @texash17 You spoke of the Constitution which I referenced. According to your argument we wouldn't even be a country because we illegally ceded from Britain.
  -  texash17 @texas8652 Yeah hold on, lets backdate the Constitution 13 years. Makes total sense.
  -  fullertonlad @texash17. What you are citing is an argument for a biased interpretation of The Admissions Clause. I am not an advocate of secession. However saying there is no legally sound argument for or against it is either ignorant or asinine.
  -  texash17 @fullertonlad Then make the argument if you're going to insist upon being a contrarian to two centuries of jurisprudence.
guzzer59 People read the bill before getting excited. You'll still need a tax stamp. 1 like
  -  troy_from_tx @guzzer59 where does it say that in the bill? Because I've read it... 4 likes
bogan.laum Does this mean I can order one of your TranQuilos online and have it shipped to my front door?? 9 likes
  -  jerjustus @bogan.laum no
  -  jerjustus @austin_5.56 what? 🙄
bjj_cops @flgovrondesantis 3 likes
gearrunner I'm just wondering if you are at a range with a federal agent there what would happen? I will say I hope TN follows this path soon 4 likes
  -  aptusdesigngroup @gearrunner TN passed a federal nullification law in 2009. No dealer or manufacturer will risk it.
  -  cowboy_cris @aptusdesigngroup what do you mean?
  -  aptusdesigngroup That Tennessee has a law in the books since 2009 that nullifies all laws inside the state of Tennessee. The state law exempts all firearms made with in the state and bought inside the state from federal regulations. No gun dealer or manufacturer will test it. There are many states with federal firearm regulation nullification laws on the books... 1 like
  -  troy_from_tx @gearrunner no one will be allowed to do it until its challenged in federal court it's already written in 1 like
  -  cowboy_cris @aptusdesigngroup oh I see, thanks for the explanation. 1 like
rvpugh Dang! Texas given the business to the AFT with no lube. Gotta love it 127 likes
  -  clo_red @rvpugh 😂
  -  other_roofkorean_95 @rvpugh @the_gear_rug_v2 🤣 1 like
babbittblades Does this means we can buy trainquilos without waiting for ATF approval🧐 3 likes
  -  jerjustus @babbittblades no
  -  but_did_ju_die @jerjustus you sure keep saying "no" a lot. Sounds more like envy... exactly, how is this different than marijuana being declared legal at the State level?
  -  jerjustus @but_did_ju_die envy? Of what? The difference is culture, education, political agendas and such. I'm not envious.i just want Texas to be protected. Kanas did absolutely nothing to defend individuals from the ATF and made them felons. Barred from owning firearms in the future and their is nothing they can do because again, political agenda, SCOTUS doesn't want to hear the case. So my apologies for trying to protect individuals and their dogs. Guns v Weed is two different worlds. The state will back it's weed legalization because it brings massive revenue.
tedparkdesign 🙌 1 like
ericlongtx Is there a way to order one from Larue now and have it sit until the legislation goes through? 2 likes
  -  kempleofdoom @ericlongtx I would hold off on that. You can be assured that this law, if signed, will be going to court
  -  kempleofdoom @kempleofdoom there's actually a specific clause in the bill that states it doesn't go into effect until the legality is tested 1 like
evlgreg That's going to speed up some sales! 3 likes
  -  mwhitney826 @evlgreg that's what I was thinking, right now every manufacturer is moving at least half their production to TX haha.... 1 like
  -  jerjustus @mwhitney826 manufacturers are the problem. They have rules to abide by or they get their license taken away. Business shuts down. Let me tell you, Texas isn't going to get involved if the feds catch you. They will leave you out to dry.
  -  evlgreg @jerjustus I'm pretty sure Montana and or Wyoming already have this law
m4colt223 And how is that working out for you? I think this has been tried elsewhere. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @m4colt223 ... Guys like you don't have a concept of time. This happened yesterday. 55 likes
  -  frinkovich @m4colt223 How is legal cannabis working out for various states? 15 likes
  -  day.man0 @frinkovich I'd much rather have legal suppressors than legal dope? 16 likes
  -  day.man0 @day.man0 that was not a question 😂 2 likes
  -  wyatto1759 @laruetactical They did this in Kentucky and the ATF still went full fun police and jailed some guy for it 3 likes
  -  thegreenkaiman @day.man0 but weed is federally illegal but feds can't enforce. Same plan here. Without local support feds are pretty powerless due to lack of warm bodies 4 likes
  -  _lookforwardtothesun @frinkovich we have delta 8 THC....so we have both....fuck the rest of yall 3 likes
  -  theleglesschef_ @wyatto1759 yea fed law still applies... but wyatto has a point. Also I'm guessing they are not goin to be chasing down joe smo with one made can, if joe was selling and dealing cans yes the feds are going to full boar 🐗
  -  elliot.lee.94 @day.man0 I'd much rather have both 2 likes
  -  day.man0 @thegreenkaiman to bad I can't pick up a suppressor from any random high school kid 🤣
  -  ruggidterrain @day.man0 agreed but Weed isn't dope. Its from the earth( unprocessed).
  -  frinkovich @day.man0 As would I. But hopefully this stands as a ruling contradictory would expose the blatant hypocrisy from the very same federal agency no less. 1 like
  -  itsthetaylor @wyatto1759 Kansas
  -  day.man0 @ruggidterrain when I was a kid dope the old folks called weed dope but to me dope meant the real bad stuff. Now "Trailer Park Boys" got me calling it dope. I've come full circle. But I could not care less about weed legalization. Suppressors on the other hand I would like very much! 2 likes
  -  manning_motorsports @m4colt223 works in Idaho
  -  nathanadams1541 @laruetactical Imposing limits on the federal governments power takes time and the balls to do it. Well done Texas. 1 like
  -  oliphant6320 @laruetactical This is an area where the Feds have active laws on the subject, so the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution gives primacy to federal law. The same is true when it comes to marijuana; however, you need an administration to pursue it. Marijuana they don't care, this administration I think cares very much about tightening gun laws. I would expect a lawsuit on this one. 1 like
  -  nvg.nightlife @manning_motorsports "Works," yes, it's written our constitution but I can't think of any of our many domestic suppressor producers that risk it.
  -  wyatto1759 @theleglesschef_ Federal firearm laws are all unconstitutional and should be ignored en masse by both manufacturers and citizens, that's the second to last way we get our rights back. The only other option gets... difficult. 1 like
  -  wyatto1759 @itsthetaylor Yeah, whatever K state that isn't Texas lol 1 like
  -  manning_motorsports @nvg.nightlife Thats because they're being made at home, and it's perfectly legal in Idaho as longhorn as it stays within state lines. 2 likes
  -  sorenstone @day.man0 "to bad I can't pick up a suppressor from any random high school kid, yet" ftfy! 1 like
erikcptx My exact thought. Hopefully good for you guys though. 4 likes
inhibiteddegree Looks like Sales are going to be out of control soon 10 likes
evlgreg If I were in Texas I would already have a couple of surge rifles on order at this point 9 likes
peter.noowin Mr. Larue I'm moving to Texas ASAP. 33 likes
  -  cannonlynn556 @peter.noowin dont vote like where you came from but come we need all tbe red votes 14 likes
  -  sailorripley55 @peter.noowin If you're on this page you're likely a solid individual. C'mon! 4 likes
  -  peter.noowin @sailorripley55 @cannonlynn556 yeah what the heck guys... I know I'm a young adult in my early 20s but i never got fooled by the dookie media and will never vote with low IQ 6 likes
  -  craytonrubin @peter.noowin stop by and pick me up. I'm moving with you. Lol 1 like
coloradomountainman94 View it like legal Marijuana in some state. As long as its not on Federally owned land itll be legal. 28 likes
lenchowoll 😮... how?! ATF is freaking out right now 😂😂👏👏 3 likes
  -  punishmentjust @lenchowoll you ever read the 10th amendment Bro?
m81.exe So what if this is true and you've got a can in jail? Just go pick that bitch up???
m1_ping It means nothing, just pandering to their base. 6 likes
sergerivers Will there be a larue suppressor in the near future? 1 like
  -  chumbief @sergerivers the future is now https://www.larue.com/products/larue-tranquilo-sound-suppressor-m308-k/ 3 likes
  -  sergerivers @chumbief uuff 1 like
  -  evlgreg @sergerivers yeah I've shot a larue rifle with a larue suppressor on it. That was a couple years ago so I guess the near future happened a while ago
texan.right You guys going to sign up with the AG for the declaratory judgement? 1 like
parallax_error1 This will go over like a fart in church w the ATF. 18 likes
  -  reid_jennings09 @parallax_error1 get one fast. 3 likes
  -  cotyshores @parallax_error1 it's AFT bro 12 likes
  -  mwhitney826 @parallax_error1 so they'll ignore it?.... 1 like
  -  johnbearross @parallax_error1 FTATF. 8 likes
  -  reimcm @parallax_error1 fuck the atf they are a bunch of communist pigs anyway just arrest any atf agents that show up in Texas, like Missouri 10 likes
  -  fischermotorsports @parallax_error1 .
Men need to start acting like men, free men to be exact, and get where no one gives a F what they say. Stop imagining them into authority.
  -  parallax_error1 @fischermotorsports Have you seen the DIR/ATF nominee? I'm not imagining anyone into authority. Molon Labe
  -  fischermotorsports @parallax_error1 .
I've seen him, who cares? Men need to act like men... there are way more of us then them. Everyone needs to prepare for the very likely fact that this will get way worse before it gets better.
  -  parallax_error1 @fischermotorsports I can assure you, I'm extremely well prepared and I'm 20 mi from the White House. You? How's you ivermectin/HCQ/Cipro/PPE stock? Got bleach stabilized barrels of water put away? Mapped out your fire lanes and have a fire plan? The only thing I'm missing at this point is a 1919 out of my dormer window. But alas, life in suburbia....
  -  fischermotorsports @parallax_error1 .
Good for you! 👍. More men need this mindset. .
I have been preparing. I'm not ignorant of history and where this all leads. 1 like