... Was talking to a friend's son who had to go to New York on business last week. He said it's the Wild West up there, cops not going down into the subways. This is not a PSA for New Yorkers, as I likely have no followers that reside in NYC. This is a PSA for us regular folk that haven't seen "Escape From New York" in a long time, coming soon to a theater near you 👀 ML
766 likesstillsaltyaf_ I'm no Snake Plisskin so I'll probably never go there. 4 likes
eddy_changed_his_name I work in nyc
samuel_james___ I live close to the city and refuse to go in.
shawn.fichter #gotham
craiger72 commie scum 1 like
vicktorvolpe You have more followers in nyc and on Long Island than you think. And yeah it's been getting bad since diblasio came in. 2 likes
bigtrucksrule I left a year ago. I can only assume it's gotten worse.
mikeorourke77 Reminds me of a Hank Williams Jr. song. "I'd love to spit some Beech-Nut in that dude's eyes...."
westchester_firearms_safety It's not that bad, folks. I just keep my head on a swivel. 1 like
  -  j_garramone @westchester_firearms_safety im saying the same it's not that bad it's like any major city
  -  laruetactical @j_garramone ... My reporter lives in Houston, and traveled up to NYC. 1 like
  -  j_garramone @laruetactical I have never been to Huston i hear great thing bout Texas tho. And one thing I for sure is the number of armed civilians in Huston is drastically more then nyc. If you gonna rob people seems safer to rob them in nyc then Huston haha so I can see that
  -  richman6972 @westchester_firearms_safety head on a swivel and what? Perps come at you and then what are you going to do without a weapon of any sort?! 1 like
  -  tony_rust_3445 @laruetactical . My friend was NYPD Major Crimes Unit and he tells me that none of the people except for visitors and honest people pay for the train. The others all hop the turnstiles for a free ride because the police are very rarely down there and they won't be charged anyways if they are caught. He said that is the damn truth.. it's a disgrace. The smaller stations in the middle of nowhere are the real problem. The recent criminal justice system is set up to fail the honest citizen.
  -  westchester_firearms_safety @tony_rust_3445 I always pay and I rarely witness folks not paying. That's just my observation at the stations I frequent. I can't speak for the entire subway system. I am physically there a couple times a week, though. It isn't the same as it was before lockdown. Also, as someone who grew up in NYC, I would not characterize it as the "Wild West", either.
  -  westchester_firearms_safety @richman6972 You're making a big assumption there, sir.
  -  tony_rust_3445 @westchester_firearms_safety .. I never called it the wild west.. grew up in NY and left there when I could. Lots of friends on NYPD and FDNY. The place is not like it used to be. You can have it. Enjoy.
tacfucius 👋 I live in NYC, NYPD. Only for a few more years lol
sumziandi LAPD officer to me last week. "Whatever it is, just handle it yourself." 1 like
miguelcarlos1981 🙋NYC here. It's just awful. I had my 3" work blade taken from me for being IN my pocket. It also seems like the standards for hiring police have been lowered so now you have a bunch of goons pretending to be cops. Don't get me started on taxes...Definitely looking to escape from NY. 1 like
charlesrogers_unofficial I left in November after 11 years. A few months pre-covid, I sat on the E train as a large, high, bleeding, shirtless homeless person attacked the person just to my right. Fortunately nothing too serious, but that is when I really knew there was no on to save you. The train had been stopped in the station for some time and no cops were there to deal with the situation, so we were basically trapped until he decided to leave.
day.man0 Somehow all the gun control had not made it any safer 🤷
  -  frankc157 @day.man0 and it never will!!
richman6972 Yeah you won't catch me in De Blasio's tunnels!!! When I was in Manhattan tunnels 5 years ago there was ZERO security, anything can happen! And NYC doesn't want me to carry a knife or gun?! Go to hell tyrants!!
0a91f4fa Simple solution. The people can just decide to defend themselves by the best means they can acquire.
  -  0a91f4fa @0a91f4fa oh, NYC... Nevermind
two_fotay_wit_da_beamz HW Jr had something to say about this...
sarcasmk1ng They need to get some wise guys back and get order back in the streets.
jhetch81876 I'm not in NYC, I'm right outside of it. But it's became the shithole it was before Giuliani cleaned it up.. 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @jhetch81876 ... The Salad Days of Giuliani ... I missed my window to see New York
  -  tony_rust_3445 @laruetactical .. Take a charter bus in to see the 9/11 Memorial area. It's the safest part of NYC. Other than that, be cautious. They can tell a visitor/tourist a mile away and try to sell you the Statue of Liberty..
  -  laruetactical @tony_rust_3445 ... I'll ask the first question all Texans ask "Is it for sale ?"
  -  tony_rust_3445 @laruetactical .. Nope, Liberty is Free but the price our forefathers paid was priceless. Unless you ask certain politicians, they seem to mysteriously forget the important stuff.
jhetch81876 I'm in law enforcement and I'm not even allowed to carry into NYC. So what does that tell you? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jhetch81876 ... Well hell, are they afraid a plain-clothes guy will get mistaken for "average Joe saves elderly lady on subway" ?
  -  vonwolffe @jhetch81876 what????? This is why when I take my family on road trips NY will not get a penny of my money. I will drive around the whole state if needed just to ensure this. Not a penny. Ridiculous.
  -  laruetactical @vonwolffe ... Better have your passports up-to-date 🤷
  -  vonwolffe @laruetactical not a problem 1 like
  -  kevinmichael_67 @jhetch81876 Why can't you carry in NYC? That doesn't sound right.
  -  vonwolffe @laruetactical or fly over. Hey r take a boat ride. But will not step even my little toe into that state until they clean it up ... probably wouldn't be up there anyway thank God.
  -  stretztactical @jhetch81876 That's not true. I was a New York City cop & now I work in the suburbs of New York City. if you're an armed law enforcement officer from anywhere in the country, you can carry under HR218. Prior to HR 218, as long as you were law-enforcement in New York State, you could carry in the city. That rumor goes back to the 60s where was it administrative code violation to not turn your gun in at the nearest precinct, when you enter the city from the suburbs. @laruetactical 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @stretztactical ... This thread just turned into "The History Channel" 😎 4 likes
  -  jhetch81876 @stretztactical we're told not to carry in NYC. Don't exactly know if it's a law or not, but we're told not to do it
  -  jhetch81876 @gt500kevin we're told not to do it. Like I said to someone else, I'm not sure it's a law or not, but our command has told us not to do it
  -  kevinmichael_67 @jhetch81876 It is absolutely not a law in NY. Your command is at fault. 1 like
  -  jhetch81876 @gt500kevin to be honest, id rather not do it anyway. God forbid you have to use it. Who knows if you'll be backed up, even if you're justified. I don't normally carry anywhere anyway.
  -  stretztactical @jhetch81876 HR 218 specifically states that agencies cannot restrict you from carrying your own gun off duty. I'd rather carry a gun and survive being shot stabbed, robbed etc. and deal with the aftermath then end up in the morgue. If you're a police officer corrections courts parole you're good to go. Not sure where you work
  -  jhetch81876 @stretztactical I'm in corrections.. I stay outta the city anyway, so to me it doesn't matter. I get what you're saying, I personally just prefer not to though.
  -  stretztactical @jhetch81876 they just shouldn't put out bad info. next time you hear someone in authority say that, ask them to show you where in the law it says you can't. They are not gonna be able to do it
  -  jhetch81876 @stretztactical I may do that, just to be an asshole😂😂 1 like
  -  threeper_g @stretztactical and the NYPD will arrest, charge with a felony and incarcerate those of us that carry and train for self defense. I lived in northern NJ and CA and will not nor ever support LE that chooses to enforce such policies. And I will never again live in a place that makes it policy for them to do so.
  -  stretztactical @threeper_g you Gotta keep in mind that not all law enforcement support the law. but if they fail to arrest someone that they're required to by law, they themselves could be arrested & will certainly lose their job. This is an issue to take up with politicians and lawmakers not the law enforcement officers whose his hands are tied
  -  threeper_g @stretztactical I get that part of it and also know that dealing with those in the political class that make said laws is a waste of time and energy. It's up to those in LE to go to their Unions and tell them theyll no longer enforce such policies. It's a crime against humanity to incarcerate those that do no harm to others or simply defend themselves against a criminal class. Just doing their job is not a relevant excuse when enforcing unjust laws and policies. Making a career change is better than that IMO. I left a good paying career due to corruption so I understand the costs associated with it.
  -  stretztactical @threeper_g that may have been the right decision for you and I get what you're saying, but people are not gonna give up their careers, their homes, their cars and everything else to appease you. it's not realistic. that's not the way the world works. you have to fight the laws, run for public office and be the change you want to see
  -  threeper_g @stretztactical hence why they don't bite the hands of their masters and is mercenary. I voted with my feet. Peace out.
  -  stretztactical @threeper_g you need help dude, good luck to you
  -  threeper_g @stretztactical LOL. Not really. I simply understand that without those willing to enforce their authoritarian policies, their laws are nothing but ink on paper. In fact, LE all take an oath to protect and defend the constitution. Their enforcement is by choice. It's a life choice. And that's simple logic just as they chose not to enforce the laws against assault, vandalism and looting that take place during these so called peaceful protests because they were told not to. And they chose to enforce policy (not law) restricting gatherings and requiring masks during this manufactured pandemic concerning a virus that has a 99.7% survival rate and 100% for those not already really sick due to obesity etc. So maybe I do need help in order to understand the duplicity. Now, I'm not saying all LE is bad or duplicitous, just that those working some jurisdictions do so for a job and simply enforce policy, regardless of the right or wrong of them. This is why there are so many defections in places like Seattle, NYC, Portland, Minneapolis etc. they too voted with their feet.
  -  stretztactical @threeper_g for the guys that aren't in a position to vote with their feet as you say, now what? I can't retire for four years. I'm not risking my everything to refuse to do my job. it doesn't mean I agree with the law but I'm not throwing away my life because you chose to not obey their bullshit laws. There's a way to go about things - you may not like it but that's life.
  -  threeper_g @stretztactical you're not understanding and I believe insisting on being obtuse. I choose not to live in parts of the country that are governed by socialists/marxists. I don't go into them and carry a weapon. I don't spend my precious time or money in them. I do not support them in any way. You're failing to acknowledge that LE in these areas have a choice. I'm not saying it's without cost. That's why they pay LE a decent salary with a pension that's hard to walk away from. I don't go to areas where self defense is considered a crime and doesn't have the Castle Doctrine. LE chooses to enforce these bs laws and say "I'm only doing my job, don't blame me. If you don't like the law change it". I'm saying that in areas like NYC it's an impossibility as the system is corrupted and using that as an excuse is a cop out for those that know the difference between right and wrong. You choose to do it because you have invested a lot of time in a thankless career working for a corrupt political class and don't want to blow your pension. You could always go to work for a Sheriff's Dept in a part of the country that respects the Bill of Rights and takes their oath seriously. And that's life. Sometimes doing the right thing is hard. You might not like truth, but there it is anyway.
  -  stretztactical @threeper_g You're the one who doesn't get it - no, I can't just go work somewhere else. No, it's not a cop out. Maybe you're a coward for running away instead of staying & fighting for what you claim to believe in and then shunning those who don't agree with you. You're the one who doesn't like the truth. If you were this big bad tough guy who believed in the constitution so much, you should've stayed where you were at and faught for it. Instead you ran like a coward - you're full of it
  -  rleeroy @stretztactical I've heard of out of state LE getting jammed up for trying to go to the 9/11 memorial while carrying 🤷
  -  stretztactical @rleeroy I don't know about jammed up - they just won't let you through with your gun. you have to go voucher your gun at the local precinct. I know because it happened to me when I tried to get in there with my gun. Same thing for Madison Square, Garden and radio city music Hall. You could voucher your gun at the local precinct 1 like
  -  rleeroy @stretztactical Ha, I wasn't aware of that. Still pretty ridiculous though. 1 like
  -  threeper_g @stretztactical fight for the constitution like you are? You resort to calling names with people that tell you a truth you don't like? Why would I live in an area I'm not from to fight for God given rights while paying the exorbitant taxes that fund the socialists who's policies you receive the money from to enforce. Talk about stupidity. Keep sucking it up tough guy. You've only got four more years.
  -  stretztactical @rleeroy yep
threeper_g Good. If they kill each other that means less Marxist Democrat Militia. 1 like
patrick.a.johnson314 Funny that this is not on CNN...bastards 2 likes
46wlf46 Show me a Democrat in control I'll show you a slum. 7 likes
  -  jbjalapinya03 @46wlf46 Demographics play a bigger role.
  -  bootygopher @46wlf46 I live in Baltimore and have seen it first hand. It still manages to get progressively worse. I pray for the day I return to the great nation of Texas 1 like