Looks like something in a nuclear power plant - ML
535 likesjoeythec02 Looks like something I can't live without!!!!! 1 like
46wlf46 EDM? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @46wlf46 ... Yep, look close and you can see the magwell's wire EDM path - ML 1 like
dune_shoot Can you explain the purpose of the water? 1 like
  -  machinist_brett @dune_shoot flushing is a big part of it too
bmndz_21 Is there a time limit for ordering a lower with our UU kit? I got my kit in March and want to order a lower now
divingdriver .224 Valkarie ? 1 like
realmda13 You been watching Chernobyl too? 🔥 1 like
  -  laruetactical @realmda13 ... Jerminy ... "Your men have to dig the tunnel by hand" 1 like
  -  realmda13 @laruetactical Excellent show hbo made. Highly critical of the Soviet system, should be an eye opener for younger people championing communism. 1 like
slappomatt Wouldn't milling close and then broaching be more cost effective? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @slappomatt ... but then it wouldn't be wire EDM'd 10 likes
  -  slappomatt @laruetactical that is a accurate statement hehe
  -  alphabet_soup_is_unavaliable @slappomatt it's also kind of a pain in the dick. If you have the equipment readily available, use it to your advantage, not your disadvantage. You'd be creating multiple operations, depending on the Shop setup. You can broach in the mill, it's not the best practice, I wouldn't tell my boss I do it. Then comes the argument of Tenths over millionths. Then, what is the tolerance to be held, +/-.002 no biggie in a Mill. Also the tooling, fixtures, etc. Anybody can be Anderson Arms, but why, when you can be Larue? Sorry for the rant.
cool_fly_daddy See how thick the walls are! I am extremely hurt I can't purchase one of these without buying a upper. I'm saving...but right now, I just want to hold one and look it over🤗 I know the attention to detail is amazing. LaRue... 1 like
def3va I'm not a machinist but this fascinates me. So the wire is cutting the magwell, which means it has some depth to the cut. I wonder how much power has to go through what diameter wire to make that deep a cut?