... Siete owners will recognize this Wire EDM'd bolt part 🧐 ML
195 likesstillten8 One the best things I like about it is the tool less breakdown for cleaning
  -  laruetactical @stillten8 ... Just today I was telling someone the Siete is the best all-around bolt action ever made 2 likes
gsprague More barrels please!
  -  laruetactical @gsprague ... I'm gonna have to learn "How To Drunken I.T. in 3-300 easy lessons"
firstspear_tv 🙌🔥🔥🔥🙌
icecoldmn And pretty much in stock at this point, I think I received my shipping notice within 2 days of ordering. Can't beat that for quick ship
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... To get rolling on solid Siete footing, it took us far longer than we originally estimated
  -  icecoldmn @laruetactical yep this is my second one, the first was a bit of a wait, but all great things take time. This is why I buy your stuff, you don't cut corners and ship sub par products. My new siete and the nightforce I picked up are going to be a awesome team,paired with the Larue obr mount a match made in heaven.🔥 can't wait I should have it before the weekend with it shipping today.