... Bull panel found at Tractor Supply makes a good country railing 💪 ML
723 likescaballerojuan1983 🧡
lincolnlogga Thinking of getting a griffon, they pretty hardy? I need a dog with some durability when we go camping and spend a lot of time outdoors year round. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @lincolnlogga ... Yep, tough enough. Griff's stay close to you and that makes 'em go all day. 6 likes
  -  mckeonekert @lincolnlogga Make sure it's not part Fousek. Joan Bailey and her cronies crossbred Griffons with Fouseks at one point. Disaster in my opinion. Mark knows more about all that than I do. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mckeonekert ... I was skiing Beaver Creek a decade ago and saw a guy walking a Foucek. I approached him and asked what breed he had. He poo-pooed me off, telling me that I wouldn't have heard of it ... "he and his wife traveled to Czechoslovakia to personally bring it back.". Me - "Yeah, okay, thought so, it's a Fousek." I was wearing my favorite old gray Goretex coat I bought out of the Cabela's bargain bin in Sydney ... must'a thrown him off. 😎 6 likes
  -  mckeonekert @laruetactical Yep it's a Bailey's folly Fousek. Says the owner or a Korthal's Griffon.
  -  lincolnlogga @mckeonekert I'm in Idaho and haven't heard any mention of fousek. Didn't even know about this at all
  -  laruetactical @lincolnlogga ... They broke the news to us during a NAVHDA test at a steakhouse called the Three Thieves Steakhouse in Hebron, NB (?) ... IIRC, it was 1984 ish. 1 like
legionpreparedness I wore the very same hat in Afghanistan for 10 months 👍 4 likes
salerno1263 Yes it does works great and lasts for ever