Another installment of my pie plate series = 43,863 mile long unemployment line almost wraps around earth twice. ML
792 likeszorgiesdad You forgot to add in the size of the people. Your line is longer yet. 5 likes
  -  dadofthreee @zorgiesdad @laruetactical At 1.5' on the 38.6m it's near another 11k miles of line.
  -  laruetactical @dadofthreee ... What is the average front-to-back thickness of an unemployed American ? 18 likes
  -  jefferyerin @laruetactical average unemployed person is 4 feet thick "science" 1 like
  -  dadofthreee @laruetactical We are going to need a bigger micrometer... 1 like
  -  rogerconlin @zorgiesdad It's OK, they are 6 feet on center 1 like
  -  erric_holt @laruetactical Probably close to 12" although it depends how long they've been unemployed might have gotten a little thinner. 2 likes
  -  roadapplesforge @laruetactical don't forget to add 18" if Elvira is in line...😂😂😂
  -  jbonham @laruetactical ave waist size 39.4" assuming 50/50 on sex in line. So ~ 10" ??? Source: CDC's National Center for Health Statistics
The researchers found women's waists on average grew more than 2 inches from 36.3 inches in 1999-2000 to 38.6 inches in 2015-2016, while men's waists on average grew more than an inch from 39 inches in 1999-2000 to 40.2 inches in 2015-2016.
trav_edc Except it's all done over the phone or online. The future is now 😄 1 like
lenchowoll The cure can't be worse than the disease... time to open things up, before we end up in a new great depression.
thekygrassman It have you seen the stock market. It's doing great.
adamcbus Yall were mad about seat belts and motorcycle helmets too. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @adamcbus ... Doesn't seem fair, but every 10 mile an hour increase in speed doubles the kinetic energy. Isaac Newton's fault.
  -  adamcbus @laruetactical common sense is nice. Logic too
  -  triggerdepot @laruetactical fucking Isaac Newton...
shartgraves @mdminnerly Larue 2020... Make America Accurate Again! 2 likes
kirkcornett 😮
skychieftain 😊🤔
mark_133_navy So, sticking to a firearm theme: How many RPS is one of your BULLETs spinning coming out of one of your Super Duper Barrels? Ya like that?👍✅⚓🌊
john_ullman_physique How much is that in MILs😐
gillikins_island355 Do you guys still have the shop open?
billsnearly 😳 Long line to stand in for free handouts!