... Somebody asked about 7.62 PredatARs. I can attest to movement in that area 🏇 ML
1,820 likesjonnymitchbjj 👏👏👏
bean_bag_bobo What is the difference between the PredatAR and PredatOBR
ralph124c41 Fantastic! Any movement on 7.62 OBR's?
carlos.aa84 Ever considered selling 6.5 creed barrels for OBR's? 3 likes
stetsonamericanhorse How about the 300blk SURG?
  -  willkana @stetsonamericanhorse x2 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 1 like
leeengland I need one!!!
7_62x51 Ordering a 5.56 Stealth soon, wait time?? 1 like
  -  tridge231 @7_62x51 ordered a 14.5" 5.56 stealth in September 2020... still waiting
  -  fanorwood @7_62x51 Ordered some Stealth bits in May 2020. Still waiting... 1 like
  -  tarheeltactical @7_62x51 doesn't matter.....it's worth the wait! 2 likes
  -  tridge231 @isplityourwig no I ordered just the barrel. I already have an 18" UU and love it. Only reason I've waited this long 1 like
  -  laruetactical @tridge231 ... Well, we do have to make it🤷 4 likes
  -  krisjagdeo @laruetactical hey mark, what lower parts do you recommend for an LT-10 stripped lower?
  -  7_62x51 @tridge231 that's exactly what I was going to order.
  -  tridge231 @7_62x51 it's a great choice 👍 Just have to be patient. Worth the wait
dailyz_carry Triggers are still a couple months out?
wolfsprairieoutdoors Very nice! 😎🔥
mr.mercury24 Oooooo shiny guns.
thecodystone Movement on the suurg suppressors would be awful nice.
a_delacalle3 😮
  -  war_taco @artzco I'd love to have a PredatAR in 7.62. Such an awesome rifle, got to handle one in Abilene
  -  artzco @war_taco Nice
codyy05 Can't wait to see my PredatOBR rolling on your feed!
coach.5 Nice😎
sarcasmk1ng LETS GOOOOOOO!
bunkrmonkey let's see the 300 blkout SUURG uppers
matthew.lomas Is that Predatars or UU w/ Predatar barrels? Patiently waiting for my 7.62 and 6.5C. Like a kid... at christmas... who's parents aren't letting him open presents....
flyin_with_the_fishes 7.62 uppers? 👀👀 I know how I'm spending my next paycheck 😂
day.man0 👏👏👏
mattt_g Waiting since December for 16" UU 7.62 with a can and haven't gotten anything....
frankc157 They look awesome! Praying for the 7.62 tObr
brittzter13 Wait. Keep that 5.56 line running! 7.62s can wait!! u s
djbabyduwap Love Katie