... You can see where I added a 6-screw top ring on the back ring, to accommodate the LT-726 mount I picked to mock this idea up with 🧐 Thanks for all the comments, I read and ponder them all 👀 ML
548 likesdayhoffjr That is nifty!
dave_huesman Mark as a long time fan and owner I'm enjoying your posts everyday. Broke my leg badly last Friday night so I have plenty of time to enjoy your concept trials! Keep them coming, @foxnews is starting to get boring. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @dave_huesman ... Where did your leg break, shin, knee, femur ... 😳 ?
  -  dave_huesman @laruetactical Intramedullary nailing off the tibial for a spiral fracture, fractured fibula and ankle to top off the list. Go big or stay on the porch🤦. At my age I should of stayed inside. 🤷
  -  laruetactical @dave_huesman ... Heavens to Mergatroid, good grief even !! 😳 1 like
7.62stu Making the Grendel again?? 1 like
duds40 That 6.5 is accurate!
  -  laruetactical @duds40 ... Is it? I don't have anything to compare it to, as I only have barrels I've made. 🤷 1 like
  -  duds40 @laruetactical any plans to make a 6mm arc? & does the 224 Valkyrie shoot that well? I plan to get both 1 like
bredfearn79 Wouldn't this be so much easier if most range finders had the threaded insert for attaching to a tripod. Your mounting options you'll be much solider and would open up a whole bunch of ideas on how and were to mount on your rifle.
  -  laruetactical @bredfearn79 ... Would've, could've, and should've 🤷
bredfearn79 You know what you should throw in your product line... a 34mm option for the LT129 so I can use it on my leupold freedom RDS 😃
americanroninllc I have an LT 111 mount was hoping for a diving board replacement option on the forward top half ring. Any plans?
  -  laruetactical @americanroninllc ... That's an LT-840 Upgrade Kit 2 likes
  -  americanroninllc @laruetactical awesome. I looked over the LT website, can't find said kit, is it discontinued?
  -  laruetactical @americanroninllc ... Not discontinued, maybe it never made it to the website. 🤷
yorick_drd Very interested, I've the same range finder and I'm a long time fan and owner.
stoutyspeed I really hope you plan on selling this. I have a leica 1600B, so i'll def get one.👍🏼
sbr.3 Mark, I'm sure there is a good reason, but why not just mount the rangefinder right side up? 1 like