... Ugh, our pesky 3D printer stopped short in the middle of the night. I have sent a runner for a colored assortment of duct tape. Gonna church this dead one up while we run another one 💀 ML
1,139 likesgavltron So cool ! Big fan of your stuff mark all my ARs are from Larue
  -  laruetactical @gavltron ... Appreciate your business. It's nice knowing your gear out shoots everything else. 😎 1 like
lainsworld_ Let's fucking go 1 like
shqype_ Which 3D printer are you using? @laruetactical
  -  laruetactical @shqype_ ... Antiquated Dimension 1 like
stillsaltyaf_ Big brain energy you got and I could be possibly witnessing a game changer in shooting sports. Good to be alive for stuff like this and cool of you to share this with us 👏
grommettaz I'm prob late to this convo...but it's upside down? Why no come off a picatinny rail or have it bend down 45 off the mounts before it grabs the range finder?
reidaverill ML are you shooting LH? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @reidaverill ... No, but I am a ginger. Hope this helps. 11 likes
  -  wyatt_leonard9 @laruetactical damn 😂
  -  reidaverill @laruetactical it looked like the right eye might be outside the eye relief sweet spot
  -  titan_rook @reidaverill Easier to lean off the rifle than over it. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @titan_rook ... Yep, exactly 💯 2 likes
dune_shoot Can you work on a way to mount it to your vertical rings?
brandondetrick Wait. Why's it on the objective side but facing the other way
  -  laruetactical @brandondetrick ... Cause the LT845 has a wider ring in the front, with a correspondingly longer Picatinny, and we hadn't got around to stealing some pieces out of the LT-840 Upgrade Kit.
das_shankster Bless your heart.
longrange_setesdal April fools is a little late 🔥 oh wait, you're serious 2 likes
  -  brandondetrick @longrange_setesdal ya... but we've gotta stand on our heads , turn our rifle around , make sure it's level. Range and shoot. Super simple. No easier way.
  -  longrange_setesdal @brandondetrick My bet is that the PRS sport is leaning towards stuff like that anyways, upsidedown stages. Larue is a true innovator. 1 like
  -  brandondetrick @longrange_setesdal and hunting , you never know when a damn upside down deer is gonna trot by 1 like
  -  laruetactical @brandondetrick ... Y'all can be cute after I'm not leaning against a tree to steady my Leica. 🎯
  -  brandondetrick @laruetactical you're right. You'll be leaning against a tree to catch your breath. . But honestly, plz explain to me how this is designed to work step by step. . As an engineer myself, I'm intrigued as to how you plan the ranging process to go. 1 like
  -  brandondetrick @brandondetrick I mean to start with, it's facing the opposite direction of your scope.. and you mention you won't lean against the tree. What's stabilizing the rifle ? Tripod ? The amount of time and effort to mount this atrocity to the rifle you can mount the LRF to a tripod. Plz explain im begging. DoNt just ban and hide like always. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @brandondetrick ... "You'll be having to catch your breath" ... Tell me you're an engineer 3 more times and I'm hitting the ban button. As for catching my breath, I'm pretty sure I can walk your insulting ass into the ground.
  -  laruetactical @rdavis512 ... Are you really a Pit Bull lover ?
  -  brandondetrick @laruetactical I honestly don't think you can "walk me into the ground", highly unlikely. However, if you want to we can take a leisurely walk and you can finally explain how this is planned to work. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @brandondetrick ... I'll look you up on my customer base first and see just what sort of stuff you've been letting us make for you. 1 like
  -  brandondetrick @laruetactical check my page, you'll see a TON of larue gear
bowtiedooley Could it be mounted on the front ring and right side up?
jcridge My buddy wants to order a predator upper with no handguard/muzzle device. Can we just call you guys?
  -  laruetactical @jcridge ... You need a short-order cook
  -  jcridge @laruetactical nah we got a Waffle House up the road. I'm trying to give ya about $1000. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jcridge ... There's nothing like a clean Waffle House 😎
  -  jcridge @laruetactical can't agree with ya there. If my cook isn't ashing a cigarette on the floor throughout the process we leaving.
sutschracing LOL...crack is whack.
treefroggllc What printer are you running? I run a Flash Forge and an Ultimaker S5. I think the S5 can recover from outages.
kevinmichael_67 A momentary power loss stopped mine 1 1/2 hours into a 6hr print the other day. I guess I should get a back-up power supply. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @gt500kevin ... Maybe that was it, big storm came through yesterday 2 likes
  -  educatedarms @laruetactical we had one of our customers get us a battery backup system for ours. Seems to help with any temporary power loss and as he explains it helps maintain a more uniform power level to the printer without spikes etc. So far so good. Might help y'all too. 2 likes
ryanchilders259 This sounds like something I would do.
jdg0707 The side winder for your range finder!
ryanreed_3gun Mark - how do you think the rangefinders will hold up to recoil?
  -  laruetactical @ryanreed_3gun ... Recoil ? A 416 Rigby has "recoil" ... everything else just wiggles. 🤷 10 likes
  -  smelliottshaw @laruetactical i beg to differ. 556 is hell on optics
  -  laruetactical @smelliottshaw ... Rangefinding and ammo pricing slows the rate of fire
  -  smelliottshaw @laruetactical fair enough
duckhnt Sorry Mark, I know how much you love it when people stay on topic, but remember that pallet of 12" uppers that have seen some real world use? Can we buy those babies yet? I'm just impatient because I can't 3D print one. Sorry to derail. @laruetactical 3 likes
  -  kevinmichael_67 @duckhnt Funny. I just thought about them last week. 1 like
  -  jointherukus @duckhnt Wait, what? When did I miss the info on that pallet? Was it posted here?
  -  duckhnt @jointherukus no... Not here. On ARFCOM, probably at least six months ago or so.
  -  jointherukus @duckhnt any chance you've got a link? I just went to look and couldn't find anything.
  -  duckhnt @jointherukus maybe look under the LT forum and then the limited edition dillo thread he did for the election? I'll look when I have time 1 like
  -  laruetactical @duckhnt ... Ya made me look 🧐 ... and I found 'em. 1 like
  -  duckhnt @laruetactical eeeeeeek! It's like Christmas!
  -  laruetactical @duckhnt ... The question is do you want the most used i.e. the least accurate, or the least used i.e. the most accurate ? 1 like
  -  duckhnt @laruetactical that's a great question! While one that was well used and had some damn good stories to tell would be amazing, I don't know if it would satisfy my accuracy OCD (I know you understand)... A good lookin / good shootin one would would be cool as well.... So I guess the real question is.... Both?
kshorton7 Does being upside down mess with the angle for EHR calc it does ? No clue how that works just curious. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @kshorton7 ... Don't care ... Texas is flat 12 likes
  -  kshorton7 @laruetactical haha I'm out in Midland so man I understand and flat!
  -  laruetactical @kshorton7 ... That's "too flat" out there👀
  -  laruetactical @kshorton7 ... I suppose extreme range chipmunk hunters could make use of that high-angle stuff ... but minute of deer ... 🤷 1 like
  -  kshorton7 @laruetactical 😂😂😂... I like to shoot pigs off the top of a granite quarry slag hill overlooking a creek in central Tex so I use it a little bit!
  -  laruetactical @kshorton7 .. Rock eating hogs are tough 👀 1 like
  -  the_sultan_of_sausage @kshorton7 I just shot 2 from 40 feet up and 100 yards out with a 7.5 inch 9mm carbine, Eotech 512, and whisky math.
rampant2019 How do you get close to scope?😮 1 like
  -  laruetactical @rampant2019 ... The fact that it prevents "scope eye" is a side benefit
  -  laruetactical @rampant2019 ... When I get it mocked-up, I might find it easiest to QD on, then get range, QD off and shoot.
  -  rampant2019 @laruetactical how much is that range finder? because for a beginner who doesn't know mils/mrad they can just buy a Burris Eliminator? 🤔😉
  -  laruetactical @rampant2019 ... Dunno, and Google is not your friend.
  -  laruetactical @rdavis512 ... I'm about to make you QD
realbryanharris is that a light?
  -  etrius33 @realbryanharris range finder