... Just shot a half dozen 5.56 LaRue PredatOBRs ... this 20" took off fast in the right direction so I gave it some rope 😎 ML
201 likesemferg8 I have been planning to buy a 55.6 upper all week and just when I go to buy one prices jump drastically. I literally had it in the cart. Now falls out of my budget. Very upset I missed out. I messaged LaRue on webpage and they were unwilling to work with me. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @emferg8 ... Early bird and all that, and we ain't running an online auction. 2 likes
  -  emferg8 @laruetactical I get it. Just sucks was pretty excited. That's why I wanted it seemed seemed like a good deal. Had so many parts in the cart was pretty much a whole rifle. Sounds like we both miss out though me on a nice rifle and you on a good sale.
  -  will.a.chambers @emferg8 While it sucks for your situation, ML and crew haven't raised prices in quite some time. At some point they had to compensate for this crazy inflation we're dealing with. Redirect that anger towards those who actually caused it. As someone who doesn't have the ARFCOM millionaire budget either, I get it. It took my a long time to get a complete LT rifle; but it was sooo worth the wait. Save up another month or two and you'll be good. 2 likes
  -  icecoldmn @emferg8 it would seem you were unaware of the price increase, that sucks but not much you can do now. I'll bet the increase will give mark some time to catch up on things as it will certainly stall short term sales some 1 like
  -  emferg8 @icecoldmn No doubt. As that is how business works. I'll channel my frustration into planking some steel. @larue_tactical Any plans on releasing 14.5 short barrels? I wouldn't mind waiting for that. 1 like
  -  emferg8 maybe a pinned and welded extended mussel adapter to avoid SBR tax
will.a.chambers Now that's a nice group. Well done.
  -  will.a.chambers @will.a.chambers Oh, and smoke'em if ya got'em! LOL
icecoldmn Mark if I buy a siete can I get it with 2 -308 barrels instead of the creedmore if I note it in the comments? This would be my second siete but I have zero need for any more creedmore 😂.
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn .... Si
  -  icecoldmn @laruetactical order placed. I noted it and told them to see the big guy if there are any problems shipping with the 2-308 barrels🔥
bmwtwisty I was able to do pretty much the same thing - and even double-punched a couple - at 200 yards. I like my PredatOBR 😊 1 like
sotexwhiskeyguy 420 dude!
perez2021juan Very nice @laruetactical ....... I gotta say though ...... I'm sad to see the amazing PredatAR rifle ....... appears to have rode off into the sunset 😔 1 like
  -  laruetactical @perez2021juan ... We make a concerted effort to keep our customer's values up. No one can accuse us of "whoring out our product line" 4 likes