... Speaking of QD ... NightForce scopes are pricey and using our LaRue QD mounts, you can separate the scope from the rifle without an accuracy penalty and dread the thought, if the rifle gets stolen, they didn't get the scope too 😎 ML
603 likesconlanmcconnell I love my Larue QD mounts (and the many triggers I have) but is there a trick to not losing zero that I'm missing when removing a mounted scope? It's always within about 1-1.5" but there is always a POI shift. I'm shooting 1/2-3/4" groups at 100 yards with mid range AR platforms so it's not the shooter. Do you apply forward or rearward tension in the rail slots as you tighten down the latches, or no?
  -  andrew_.223 @conlanmcconnell yes always push the optic forwards on the rail when tightening. Forwards because that's the direction it 'could' move due to recoil 1 like
  -  laruetactical @conlanmcconnell ... And adjust the levers per the supplied instructions.
duckhnt The only bad thing about LaRue mounts is you have nothing to blame poor groups in when you can't shoot that day. 4 likes
juice_19a Siete coming soon? I have some cash meant for a bolt rifle burning a hole in my pocket 😉 1 like
  -  arc1642 @juice_19a yes! I'm in the same boat
vine_matt Except my Rifle and NightForce w LaRue mount are stored together in a Pelican case so ... it would be bad and I'm sure I would cry.
arizona_twelve_sixtysix You've got the best mounts in my opinion
sotexwhiskeyguy Too bad he can't proofread as well as you build firearms.
  -  laruetactical @sotexwhiskeyguy ... We both require reading glasses 🤷 3 likes
auav8tor @laruetactical I love your mounts and am a believer. Is there a way to see which ones are or are they pretty much made to order? Id like to order an additional one.
  -  duckhnt @auav8tor order the one you need, the one that fits your setup and just forget about it until it shows up. Best way to do it. 1 like
  -  jkedsnake @duckhnt I concur. 1 like