... I'm messin' with Rangefinders and this one is cool ... and elegant 💯 ML
592 likesjtwendel02 I have one just like it. It's a good one. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jtwendel02 ... It's sexy 😎
coolantman_mark Ooh, Rah! Devil Dog's Father! 1 like
dmr_llc Hmmmm Leica...
jasonk7474 Played with it yesterday it's definitely interesting!
parallax_error1 Leica. 'Nuf said.
triclydeguy Just got the 3500.com model a few weeks ago. Seems very solid so far to 1mi and 2000y on a clear day. They make great stuff.
gunsaholic_ This is what I run and it still has lightning fast read outs. Their customer service is top tier too!
jordys.world I can only speak for their cameras, excellent quality and value
dune_shoot I use the same one. Works well.
depredadorsolutions I like that @leicahuntingusa range finder for two reasons. First reason; it is 7x. Second reason is it has a small reticle. Would really like to see Leica make a range finder that is 8x or 9x with two or more reticle options; a bracket and a small dot. Maybe a windage reticle 🤷 What I do know is it is hard to range small game and coyotes with a bracket. Be even better if they made affordable scopes with internal range finders.
jtaylor @laruetactical have you had a chance to play with the new vortex fury 5000 ab?
  -  laruetactical @jtaylor ... Purchasing has one inbound.
vaportrailtactical Love the Leica still have the one I used in Iraq IQ 1 like
minerals_chaser38 This will be next in line after I put a scope on my newly received PredatAR 7.62. ugh...aka 2nd mortgage.
rodney482 Crf is legit been running one since they were introduced. And a leica RF prior, it was like the sz of a pB sammich
  -  laruetactical @rodney482 Arf is legit, and Arf Arf is doubly legit.