... Okay, votes are in. One 5-shot group from each of the five (5) 14.5" 6.5CM MRGG-A (Assaulter) rifles. All five are new and could use a little more breaking in. I ran out of coffee on #3. There it is, warts and all. ML
281 likestreadwelljustin What type of velocity are you seeing with these so far?
  -  laruetactical @treadwelljustin ... Meh, I rarely look at velocities, as I can't do anything about it shooting factory ammo. ML 1 like
  -  treadwelljustin @laruetactical makes sense. Did you get my message about grendel?
  -  laruetactical @treadwelljustin ... This ain't the Grendel channel. This here is the 6.5CM channel. 🤓 3 likes
lkcrome Ultimately it is only necessary for any one of the holes to make the the perfect resolution to a downrange problem... I think you've proven the quality and capabilities in spades (63 yrs youngish eyes apparently still rock)! 1 like
jollygreen182 Tried the 130 or 147 eld? Or even Bergers brand? My 260 really liked the Berger 130 factory ammo.
  -  mccourt_munitions_llc @jollygreen182 Big bullets lose less performance is short barrels.
kylebryant8096 Even the "A.D. accidental discharge" was pretty damn close 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @kylebryant8096 ... That damn LaRue trigger ain't got no creep 💪💯🔥 1 like
  -  kylebryant8096 @laruetactical MBT all things. Don't change a thing with them 1 like
  -  jjfitter6176 @kylebryant8096 think they make a pill for that now 😳🤣
regulatedarmament How does 6.5 perform out of a 14.5"?
  -  laruetactical @regulatedarmament ... Is that a trick question ?
  -  regulatedarmament @laruetactical Mean in terms of long(er) range flight and terminal ballistics. I really just am ignorant!
  -  thirtythree_three @regulatedarmament It's an interesting question... I personally haven't thought a lot about it (and I'm pretty obsessed with bullet velocities). This may be obvious to you, but you can mitigate a shorter barrel's loss of velocity by decreasing the bullet weight and using a powder with a faster burn rate. This alchemy gets more complicated with a gas gun, though, since you have to be mindful of pressures. One would think that a 6.5CM bullet (let's say 120-130gr) would be easier to "get moving" out of a shorter barrel than a 155-175gr .308. And I've seen 14.5" .308's do ok at distance. They'd move into the transonic range probably around 650-750 yards. Pure speculation, but I'd bet you could get a 130 gr 6.5 to maintain supersonic out to 1,000 with the right recipe out of a 14.5". I'd love to actually test this out, but I'm not going to hack down a 6.5CM barrel (though if someone wants to send me one (either PredatOBR, AIAX, or desert tech), Id be happy to test! 😂 3 likes
  -  regulatedarmament @thirtythree_three Also personally I am interested in factory ammo, not a reloader myself.
  -  davidewade @thirtythree_three Quickload software does great simulations. If you want 100% burn in 14.5", it will give recommendations. 1 like
  -  thirtythree_three @davidewade I own QL, but never have even attempted to use it. If only I had a period of time when I couldn't do anything else and had time to sit down and play with a new software program......oh wait!
  -  miggidymurph @regulatedarmament I'm sure if you look on Google someone has tested this. I read an article on a dude who cut down a 556 and a 308 one inch at a time, used 5 different factory loads and presented the data. Went from 24 to 5 inches I think.
everydaypeoplesigp365 1 MOA from a 14.5 is impressive
  -  laruetactical @everydaypeoplesigp365 ... A 20" would likely have a more even powder burn ... maybe I should point the loaded 14.5" vertical and tap the buttplate to set the powder back in the case, then ease her back onto the bench and touch her off. 🤓 2 likes
  -  lkcrome @laruetactical good we got sum big thinkers out there showin us rubes the error of our simple ways!😉 1 like
boutthatlifeyoda Nice work man! I've been debating what rifle to buy next and I'm conflicted on caliber. I don't have any real experience shooting past 200 yards and would like to try/learn some long distance precision shooting, thought about 6.5CM but I also really want a 300BO and an AR platform in .22lr for plinking with my kids lol so many decisions!
  -  lkcrome @boutthatlifeyoda well the diagnosis for this problem has good news and bad news... the good news is you're larue normal, the bad news is larue can help you with that (chhhaaachiiinnnggg)!