... Our 18th year makin' this kinda stuff 😎 ML
1,171 likescharliesclones I would sure like to see a nice 7.62 upper in FDE. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @charliesclones ... You're looking at a really nice one 3 likes
  -  charliesclones @laruetactical even better if it had a traditional front end
  -  laruetactical @charliesclones ... Black powder ? 5 likes
  -  charliesclones @laruetactical no, just a standard 762 upper without the bolt on thingy. I like view so far
  -  laruetactical @charliesclones ... "Antiquated" is the word you seek
  -  charliesclones @laruetactical not really. Both have their place. Can you like chocolate and vanilla?
FWIW, my FDE PredatOBR is one of my favorite personal guns. Always thought that baby needed a heavy barrel. Then again my OBR is also in my Top 10 personal gas guns 😃
dallas258 Wow 18 years , keep up the good work , 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @dallas258 ... We actually were around for 24 years before we started doing this kinda stuff. 1 like
  -  atkinson_machine_works @laruetactical what was APP making before LaRue rifles?
  -  laruetactical @atkinson_machine_works ... We were "Dock-To-Stock" with 3M and Baker Oil Tool / SPD, and made John Linebaugh's 500 Linebaugh cylinders, etc. 4 likes
daddyscott2001 And cutting boards….don't forget the cutting boards!!!! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @daddyscott2001 ... Oh yeah !!! We made and shipped semi-truckloads of CNC-machined HDPE to Williams-Sonoma's Memphis warehouse 5 likes
laruetactical ... And that makes me a Sonic Boomer 💪 5 likes
duckhnt @laruetactical placed my first order in 2007 and have always been treated like your best customer. Thank you and congratulations. 1 like
tony_rust_3445 Congratulations Mark! 2 likes
loux_greg Love your stuff u s 2 likes
samuel.culper_sr I still got my mounts from I wanna say 2010-2011? I'll have to refer to my Christmas Dillon collection for an accurate date 🤷 or I could be way off ! I know they're old and still hold zero on and off! 2 likes
lilrieck Congratulations keep up the high quality work!!!! Just need a siete in my safe 3 likes
m.r.morris Just got my second MBT2S. First change to the new rifle 2 likes
julsbieniek Cheers Uncle Mark! 🥃 2 likes
bklingensmith61 Well done! Endeavor to persevere! 👏👏👏 2 likes
sp0kanistani 👏 .. long time fan and I possess a number of owner edition hats .. keep rocking bud. 2 likes
reaganhair1 Congratulations! Thank you from all of us out here using your products on duty and at play! 2 likes
matt_c_era Just got confirmation my 556 MGU shipped, exactly 2 weeks! Any plans to make 762 MGUs? 3 likes
brax43521 Congratulations on 18 yrs 2 likes
joseph5myers I love your stuff! I got 3 AR-15 UU kits. My only regret is that I didn't decide to order an AR10 UU kit until you were back logged on them a year and quite taking orders. I you ever do start making them again I will sell my Aero Precision M5E in a heart beat! 2 likes
canemovium You do a damn fine job, sir. 2 likes
gospencer1 Congratulations! Mark time to bring back the 1911, 2011 and push out the Siete! 3 likes
perez2021juan Happy 18! Here's to many more. The big two-zero is right around the corner
icecoldmn What happened to the chrome bolts? Are they no longer offered because of the shortages?
stevenmcclay6921 Congratulations! I've traveled along since 2011. Here's to many more! 1 like
alpha_phil15 If that's tano, absolutely stunning.
itsa1911 congratulations now your of legal age 1 like
hobbit0717 Fan of Johnnie blue myself. 1 like
scott.mullen73 Whats that color??? 1 like
csmith39120 Congrats and thank you! 1 like
kodiak_precision Congratulations!!! It's the best as well !!!
nvrck1 And we love you all for it 1 like
connelldad Congratulations 1 like
bigaggiemike Congrats! 1 like
7fabracing 👏👏🙌🙌🔥🔥 1 like
glock10mm17 🥃🥃 1 like