... The Gods of Manufacturing have smiled down on us here at LaRue. Who else is putting out the accuracy volume we are ? Here the first 3 rifles on the rack each shot a 3 shot group at the same 1" blue dot at 100 yards and all 3 rifles hit the blue dot with every shot 😎 ML
208 likesjpyro69 Hell of an increase! Glad I got mine when I did! 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @jpyro69 ... Ha, you're a plankholder for our new Member's Only Club 😎
  -  jpyro69 @laruetactical I am definitely privileged! It's a club to be proud of. 😉
gus_n_rooster I know you've got enough money to not give a shit about little ol me but Haven't seen that type of price hike anywhere else. Appreciate what ya do for our military and first responders. Seems like a "don't need ya" to the regular ol dude who likes quality stuff though. Anywho. Pissin in the wind. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @gus_n_rooster ... I've supplied tens of thousands of Americans with affordable accuracy. Not my fault my costs have soared. Not your fault you didn't take advantage of the low prices while the gettin' was good ... oh, wait. 1 like
  -  gus_n_rooster @laruetactical got plenty of your stuff man. Just wanna be proud of it. Shit matters to some folks. Good luck with everything. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @gus_n_rooster ... "Just wanna be proud of it" ... I see the books and I know it was worth a lot more than you paid for it. Don't wish me luck. Luck is for losers that can't measure the stuff they make. 2 likes
  -  gus_n_rooster @laruetactical yeah man..fellow Texan. Not 2 hours from ya. Take a lot of pride in Texas made stuff. The "good luck" wasn't a "bless your heart". But bless your heart just the same 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @gus_n_rooster ... Enjoy your affordable precision. A helluva lot of work goes into everything we precision build, and if you got something with a LaRue barrel on it, it can't be beat by anything on the market.
  -  gus_n_rooster @laruetactical depending on the shooter. Great products for sure. Hope your books look better... ✌
  -  laruetactical @gus_n_rooster ... Interest rates have more than doubled ... they are now at 9-10% for business loans. I paid 22% back in Jimmy Carter's 200 mph crash of the early 80s. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @gus_n_rooster ... The shooter hasn't got shit to do with a LaRue rifle's accuracy. It will plant them in relationship to where the rifle was pointing when it went off.
  -  gus_n_rooster @laruetactical 🤙 wish you and your business well.
gus_n_rooster Did the Gods of manufacturing force you to raise the price of your uppers to $1300?? Yikes dude 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @gus_n_rooster ... You were warned. We now have an ERP system running the show. And Bidenprices have soared. We've machined all of our pre-covid raw material on hand and have to play by new rules ... labor-wise, material wise, and otherwise.
  -  tunderscorej @laruetactical a warning on the site would have been nice. I was looking at match grade uppers this week and it's pay day, but blows my budget now. My loss, should have just put it on credit at the time. Hopefully they come back down/sale at some point. 3 likes
  -  ster_plunk @laruetactical Need a manufacturing supply chain/inventory/data guy with lots of ERP experience? Mainly kidding but...
  -  laruetactical @ster_plunk ... Tempting 🧐
nvrck1 These rifles were technically never zeroed either right? That's incredible manufacturing 1 like
realkillafromthestreet how much will you pay me not to put one of your uppers on a geissele lower? 1 like
will.a.chambers 🔥🔥🔥
txoverwatch @laruetactical you weren't kidding about raising prices lol 1 like